Guest Blogger
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Guest Blogger

6 Corporate Initiatives Your Enterprise Architect Should Kick-Start

Like any other role, enterprise architects need to make an immediate impact to deliver value and improve their organizations. Otherwise, executives, managers, and frontline employees might start scratching their chins, wondering why someone was hired to reconfigure infrastructure and deploy new tools when everything was working well enough before.

Changepoint EAM: Most Promising Enterprise Architecture Technology

We’re proud to share that Changepoint was recently named to CIO Review’s 2020 list of companies Most Promising Enterprise Architecture Technology Providers. This annual list recognizes companies at the forefront of enterprise architecture technology that are transforming businesses.

Professional services: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

Ok, David Bowie wasn’t talking about technology evolution and professional services in his hit song, “Changes.” BUT, there’s an undercurrent to the song’s lyrics that hits a little too close to home with professional services today.