Guest Blogger
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Guest Blogger

Crowdsourcing Innovation: 4 Steps to Success

Recently, Planview IdeaPlace CTO James Gardner shared some of his expert tips on using crowdsourcing software to build your innovation pipeline. Here’s what we learned. 1. Quality Matters, But So Does Quantity For organizations that are already getting tons of ideas from the people in their extended networks, continuing to push for suggestions might start to...

Capgemini Report on Innovation Centers: Top 5 Takeaways

Innovation has never been as misunderstood, challenging, expensive, or transformative as it is today. With $1.6 trillion spent globally on R&D in 2014 alone, it’s perhaps the most crucial initiative people can invest in. Many companies are turning to innovation centers — physical hubs where people can gather to design, build, and test products —...

Capgemini’s Top 3 Takeaways for Crowdsourcing Innovation

This week, Corey Glickman, the Global Lead of Rapid Design & Visualization at Capgemini, joined the Spigit team to discuss how and why Capgemini is crowdsourcing innovation to power their $14B business. If you think that it’s challenging to create business impact from crowdsourcing, or are just too wary to give it a try, you’ll...

Is Your Company Cut Out for Crowdsourcing? Take This Quiz

When it comes to gathering innovative ideas, one of the biggest mistakes companies make is to confuse strategic crowdsourcing with something like a virtual suggestion box. But without structure or process, game-changing ideas can go unheard — and you’re missing out on great opportunities to drive growth, profits, customer loyalty, brand awareness, new product development,...

Collaborative Innovation and the Digital Vortex

This June, the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation published a report, Digital Vortex: How Digital Disruption Is Redefining Industries. The report notes that, from a survey of 1,000 business leaders, “four of today’s top 10 incumbents (in terms of market share) in each industry will be displaced by digital disruption in the next five years.”...

Crowdsourcing 2015: Consumer Creativity and Open Innovation

Crowdsourcing, like innovation, is a term both heavy with meaning and shrouded in ambiguity. Knowing the general stuff — like that it’s somehow connected to business or that it has something to do with ideas — isn’t enough to use crowdsourcing as a strategy. But that’s what’s necessary in current markets, where competitive companies need to...

IBM and Planview IdeaPlace: Why Better Development Means Better Business

If there’s one thing that developers like more than solving a problem it’s not having to encounter operational issues that stifle their creativity and output. With startups, scale is the name of the game. But frankly, any company committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, whether large enterprise or nascent mobile app developer, should be thinking...

IdeaPlace: Giving Amway Business Owners a “Voice” in Innovation

Michael Edwards and his team of global digital experts spend a lot of time determining what Amway distributors need to support their growing ventures. Like teams all across the company, helping distributors – Amway calls them Amway Business Owners – succeed is their total focus. But something was missing. “We had a bunch of corporate...

The eHealth Initiative iThrive Innovation Challenge

Today’s healthcare industry is in a constant state of evolution. As research unearths disruptive findings, patient demographics become more diverse, and technologies advance at an increasingly rapid pace, groundbreaking ideas are crucial to effecting positive change. The eHealth Initiative iThrive Innovation Challenge The team at eHealth has just launched an exciting new open innovation challenge...

The Innovation Teacher, PART I: Educating Students on Failure, Change, and Discovery

Editor’s Note: Don Wettrick is an educational speaker, professional, and innovation evangelist. A two-time Microsoft® Innovative Educator award winner, he believes that bringing innovation into the classroom can serve as a community hub of progress and change, and advocates that when you give students a class based on freedom and autonomy, they can accomplish incredible things....