Vision and Trends

At Planview, our vision is simple: to help organizations realize their resource potential. This PPM Vision and Trends category is all about thought leadership. Read about what Planview thought leaders are saying about the work and resource management market as it relates to PPM, work collaboration, and enterprise architecture. We’ll also provide information on industry news, trends, and company stewardship. Whether you are seeking a sneak peek at our product lineup or curious about our latest innovation push, Visions and Trends contain a wide range of information. We’ll help you get your arms around the changing landscape and how to better understand the forces at work and the pace of disruption. We can even help you re-assess how to attack your toughest resource challenges and how to stay on top of new certifications.  

Brexit May Cost the UK 75,000 Finance Jobs

The effects of Brexit on the UK economy have yet to be fully felt, with factory output growing at its fastest rate for decades and unemployment at similarly record low levels. This seems to be belying the doom and gloom predictions from before the seminal vote on Britain’s membership of the EU free trade area....

Overcome Hurdles to Maximize Business Value

In my last blog, “What is Work and Resource Management: Part 1 – Adapting to change,” I define work and resource management from the perspective of our friends at Ventana Research. This blog features the Ventana Research viewpoint on overcoming hurdles to maximize business value from their whitepaper, “Five Ways to Increase Efficiency and Innovate...

75% of Brits Would Switch Careers if Given the Chance

Many people from time to time may look at their career and the decisions they have made and feel slight pangs of regret. In the UK however, it has reached epidemic proportions, with the numbers of people saying they regret decisions they have made in their careers eclipsed only by the amount that wish they...

Two-Thirds of UK Businesses Aren’t Prepared for Brexit

Despite the constant coverage, verging on national obsession, in the UK of the ongoing Brexit talks and processes, recent research has shown that 64% of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Britain have not yet prepared a plan for the UK’s exit from the European Union. With the large-scale changes in regulatory requirements and the...

The 10-Point Product Manager Manifesto to Help You Beat the Competition

Have you shifted to a product manager mindset? Thinking about your products and what they mean to your customers instead of your internal projects will actually help you beat your competition to market and to the next innovation. In his most recent blog, Patrick Tickle, Planview chief product officer, explains why building great products...

5 Ways for Businesses to Stay Ahead of the Competition in 2018 [Infographic]

The break-neck speed of innovation seen in 2017 shows no signs of slowing down in 2018. From cryptocurrency to artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) to the gig economy, the intersection of products and technology creates many challenges. Enterprises must remain vigilant and nimble, responding and reacting to ever-changing customer and market...

What Is Work and Resource Management?

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” – Albert Einstein Change is inevitable. Life happens—plans fail, people come and go, technology advances—the list goes on and on. When it comes to running the business, this can seem rather intimidating, especially when you’re expected to deliver results, meet goals, and do so within budget....

Planview Innotas is Now Planview PPM Pro

Imagine having a single project portfolio management (PPM) solution to accelerate your PMO success. We do, which is why we’re so fired up to bring you Planview® PPM Pro! Innotas® joined with Planview eighteen months ago to form the market-leading PPM team. As our mid-tier PPM offering, Planview® Innotas has helped hundreds of customers through...

Why the UK’s Unemployment is the Lowest Since 1975

The second quarter of 2017 saw the UK unemployment rate drop to 4.4%, the lowest it has been since 1975. Additionally, the Office for National Statistics stated that employees’ total earnings (including bonuses) rose by 2.1% in a three-month period until June. Despite what financial analysts forecasted with last year’s Brexit, employment in the UK...

Nine Key Ingredients for Driving Value for PMO Success

PMO success is no longer just about project execution. Today’s project and program management offices (PMOs) are tasked with driving strategic value to grow revenue along with improving the customer experience and products and services. Instead of being narrowly focused on facilitating portfolio management capabilities, they must also strive to deliver on an organization’s most...