Value Stream Management

Value stream management (VSM) in software delivery is a critical approach to success in today's digital landscape. Its systematic approach to measuring and improving flow helps organizations shorten time-to-market, increase throughput, and improve product quality. This VSM blog category provides educational insights, best practices, and real-world advice from Planview and industry experts on how to address the constraints or problems you face in your software delivery lifecycle in order to achieve better business outcomes.

Fighting Pandemic Fatigue by Safely Experimenting With Engineering Team Structures

In this fourth installment of our Tasty Dog Food Series, we continue to share stories of how we at Tasktop are using our own product, Planview Viz™, to boost our growth and happiness. Planview Viz is a value stream management solution that measures and optimizes the flow of business value in software delivery organizations.  This...

DevOps Enterprise Summit, Europe 2021: Leadership and OKRs

The European leg of the DevOps Enterprise (Virtual) Summit 2021 returned last week (17-20 May) as the community reflected on a year like none other. Set against the backdrop of “the largest economical crisis in a century and largest health crisis in a lifetime”, as Gene Kim emphasized in his introduction, DOES has never felt...

How We Delivered More Features and Solved Incidents Faster By Using Our Own Product

“Eating your own dog food,” “ice creaming,” “drinking your own champagne” — whatever you want to call it — refers to a company using its own product, either to test drive it or to show confidence in it. Well, here at Tasktop we have another reason for using our own products: We actually really like...

Springing into the Virtual DevOps Enterprise Summit, Europe 2021

Ah spring… the flowers start to bloom, the sun finally starts to make an appearance, people come out of hibernation, and patio brunches become the regular. Oh, and it just so happens that one of our favourite events of the year takes place too, providing the perfect opportunity for the DevOps community to come together:...

Remember that Time the Suez Canal Proved Your SDLC Point?

How the macroeconomics of a cargo ship should have you rethinking your software flow A short while ago, I wrote a blog entitled Innovation Is Compounding Interest: How Legacy Companies Can Compete and Deliver Innovation Like the Cloud-Native Giants. I made the case that cost of production inefficiencies are not isolated to the cost of...

Leadership Insights to Track Your Project to Product Journey, Step By Step

The recent success of TUI Group’s migration to the cloud is a powerful example of what is possible by adopting a project to product mindset. With planes grounded and hotels closed due to the pandemic, the global travel company took proactive steps to refine the digital experience for employees and customers. Recognizing that the customer...

Forrester TEI™ Study Shows Tasktop Can Deliver a Customer ROI of 640% Over Three Years With a Payback Period of Less Than 3 Months

I am pleased to share the findings of a Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study that evaluates the cost savings and business benefits enabled by Tasktop’s value stream management (VSM) platform, Planview Viz™. We commissioned this study to quantify and share what our customers were already telling us – that we were dramatically changing how...

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Attempt To Build Your Own Flow Metrics Tool

Over the last year, restaurants (like most companies) have been forced to think creatively about how they continue to serve customers without physical interaction. In the UK, many of our favorite food outlets, from the delicious pizzas of Franca Manca to the high-end Indian delights of Dishoom, are creating bespoke packages to enable us to...

The Value Stream Management Consortium (VSMC): A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

I am excited to write about a new strategy to help organizations adapt more effectively to the intensified digital-first world. From improving time-to-market to operating more efficiently as an organization, software-driven innovation has never been more critical to business success; software has gone beyond accelerating everything we do to actually being what we do. That’s...