Strategic Planning

Operationalize strategic plans - from formulation to execution across the organization.

Are You Working on the Right Things? The Power of Collaborative Channels

One of the most important decisions people in organizations make on a daily basis at all levels is choosing how to spend resources. The principal question they must ask themselves: Are we spending time on the most beneficial improvement opportunities? Intelligent use of resources manifests in improved internal functions, delightful customer experiences, productive partnerships, winning...

From Developer to Marketer: A Day in the Life of Yadhu Krishnan, Retention Marketing Manager

Yadhu Krishnan considers himself more logical than creative. That’s what gives him an  advantage as a retention marketing manager—the first role he’s had that is involved with the customer side instead of the go-to-market (GTM) side. Read about his journey to this position, how his background is building his creativity, and what he thought of...

Ensure Your Enterprise Executes and Delivers Work Efficiently

Best-in-class companies align their efforts so everyone is moving in the same direction – a direction towards the desired business outcomes.   They ensure that their goals and initiatives are aligned with their high-level strategy, from top leadership all the way down to the teams that deliver the work.   The C-suite has a holistic view across...

Digital Transformations Are Crucial to Optimizing Innovation Value

Speed in delivering high-value innovations is a critical differentiator that can make or break companies. According to a Boston Consulting Group report, companies prioritizing innovation—arriving first to market with new and relevant ideas—outperform the MSCI World Index on shareholder return by 3.3 percentage points per year.  As technologies evolve and disruptions become an ever-growing presence...

AI Has Taken the Boardroom by Storm. Here’s What You Must Know.

The C-suite has to identify, adopt, and express a strategic approach to the AI paradigm we all have entered, and provide a blueprint for how their organizations will compete and thrive in it. This post by Dr. Pallab Chatterjee highlights the essential components of an AI strategy for CEOs.

Where Does Innovation Fit in the Product Portfolio?

As the world becomes more interconnected, the impacts of disruptions to product development are now felt more widely, which means product-driven organizations need to be more responsive and adaptive in how they manage their portfolios. Fierce competition and market oversaturation are just a few challenges organizations face when struggling to bridge the gap between the...

Decision Making in the Era of Growing Constraints (Part 1)

The success or failure of every company and every individual within a company is the culmination of the decisions they make. In this two-part series, we'll share our perspective of effective strategies for better decision making in business, couched in real-world scenarios.

Bridging the Gap: Strategic Planning for Enterprise Architects and Portfolio Managers

Strategic planning between enterprise architects and portfolio managers sounds simple enough. It’s just two groups coming together to make a plan, right?   But the reality is more complicated.  Strategic planning is a difficult process — even when there’s strong collaboration and open communication between groups.   It’s even more challenging when the groups that need...