The Flow Framework

Learn about the Flow Framework®, a structured, prescriptive approach to Value Stream Management in software delivery organizations. It identifies where work slows down so that bottlenecks can be addressed and equips technology leaders to effectively communicate with business stakeholders when setting priorities and measuring outcomes.

Produktivitet, AI och framtiden för digitalt uppkopplat arbete

Produktivitet har länge varit en källa till nyfikenhet och studier för Planviews Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Mik Kersten. I en intervju i NYSE Floor Talk i juni diskuterade han ämnet - och hur Planviews uppdrag att stödja digitalt uppkopplade arbeten kan förbättra produktiviteten.

Story Points and Flow Metrics: What’s the Difference?

Ron Jeffries, who helped coin the concept of story points back in the 2000s, said recently that he “deplore[s] their misuse.” In the early days of story points, developers “really only used the points to decide how much work to take into an iteration,” says Jeffries. But some organizations expanded their use, using story points...

OKRs Examples for Software Companies

Introduction Objective and Key Results (OKRs) were first implemented by Andy Grove at Intel in the 1970s. John Doerr, who had worked at Intel, brought OKRs to Google in 1999, where they helped fuel massive growth and raise employee morale. Since then, OKRs have become the choice goal-setting method for digital natives and traditional businesses...