Is Your Innovation Strategy Actionable? – Enrich Consulting

Every firm we speak with talks about strategy, and yet for all the attention lavished upon the idea, few companies are able to craft a strategy that provides a clear path forward for the R&D organization. Why is it so hard? There are a wide range of statements that are interesting, useful, difficult to conceive,...

Om det ser ut som ett moln, talar som ett moln...

Molnbaserade lösningar är helt klart här för att stanna, vilket är en mycket bra sak för företag och konsumenter. I företag har SaaS-erbjudanden (Software-as-a-service) varit den dominerande molnbaserade lösningen på senare tid. Fler och fler organisationer drar nytta av de ekonomiska fördelarna med SaaS-erbjudanden inom ett stort antal programvarukategorier. Till exempel kan molnbaserade...

Are large companies doomed to failure? – Enrich Consulting

It is hard to open the paper these days without seeing a story presaging the demise of a another industry titan. If you believe the articles, Microsoft, GM, Xerox, Dell and many other bellwethers will face, at best, a slow, uninteresting decline due to their failure to innovate in ways that disrupt the markets in...

One-pagers and playbooks – Enrich Consulting

Sample playbook (click to enlarge) Over the years, we have seen again and again that how you present information is just as important as the information itself. Cram too much information on a screen or a page, combine nonessential and essential facts in one display, or fail to annotate a graph with important contextual information,...

Upcoming Portfolio Management Conference: CHI November 2012 – Enrich Consulting

Every November the Cambridge Healthtech Institute hosts a portfolio management conference for the life sciences industry that spans both operational and strategic portfolio management. We find it to be the best portfolio management conference in the U.S., and to steal a page from movie critics, “If you only go to one portfolio conference this year…”...

Portfolio Management, By the Numbers – Enrich Consulting

I was speaking with a client at a large government-supported research lab the other day, and he reminded me of the success we enjoyed deploying the Enrich Portfolio System to support their annual portfolio process. When this group approached Enrich, they asked for help picking the winners within their portfolio, and justifying budget increases to...

Takeaways from IRI: Driving Innovation – Enrich Consulting

We sponsored the 2012 Industrial Research Institute (IRI) Annual Meeting this month, and the primary topic was how to drive innovation in large organizations. These organizations have become large because they’re very good at some “thing”, which for the sake of simplicity we’ll call a core competency. This core competency is typically focused on a particular type...

Resursförvaltning 101, del 1: Människor och kalendrar

Av: George Shaheen, försäljningskonsult & Product Evangelist på Innotas Du har gjort det. Du har bestämt dig för att införa någon form av resurshantering i din organisation för att få kontroll över vad alla arbetar med, om dina medarbetare gör för mycket eller för lite (javisst) och om det är relevant eller inte...