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Engineering Teams

Tasktop’s Rapid Response to the Log4J Vulnerability Exemplifies the Importance of Value Stream Management

Publicerad By Nicole Bryan
Tasktop’s Rapid Response to the Log4J Vulnerability Exemplifies the Importance of Value Stream Management

Note: We continue to follow and respond quickly to this complex and evolving issue.

Did Your Response Delight or Disappoint Customers? 

The initial CVE for the Log4j vulnerability that set the internet on fire on Friday was happily already fixed in Tasktop’s SaaS products by early afternoon. Customers running our solutions on-prem promptly received a security bulletin containing instructions on how to mitigate the vulnerability shortly after. 

Our customers’ palpable relief and gratitude was a great reminder of why speed-to-market is so essential to the modern enterprise. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are highly influenced by how fast you can deliver, whether it’s new functionality or a patch for a security risk.

Preparing for a Zero-Day Vulnerability Requires Tenacious Focus on Flow

When we heard about the Log4J vulnerability on Friday morning, we quickly launched our standard process: investigation, escalation, creation of a cross-value stream rapid response team. We executed the process perfectly. 

But that would have meant nothing to our customers if we couldn’t deploy a fix to address the issue ASAP. 

Part of practicing value stream management is being conscious that value stream flow forms the basis for a moment like this — to address an issue of this importance in our SaaS environments and package it for distribution to our on-prem install-base. 

We make our work visible, we measure our speed, we continuously address our bottlenecks and always strive to get faster. And on December 10th, the results of our ongoing efforts paid off in spades.

We’re feeling great, because we’ve accomplished what value stream management is all about: better business outcomes. Our customers are happy, our employees feel empowered and our business is protected. 

Get started with Value Stream Management with Tasktop

A Reminder of the Benefits of Cloud

Many enterprises are currently undergoing a shift to cloud, at a time when awareness of the long-term cost implications of cloud is growing. It is in moments like this, however, that cloud shines. As enterprises scramble to patch hundreds and thousands of on-prem systems, SaaS vendors have already fixed the vulnerability.

Tasktop is proud to offer both Planview Viz® and Planview Hub as Software-as-a-Service. Läs mer

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Skrivet av Nicole Bryan

Nicole Bryan är vice ordförande för produkthantering på Tasktop. Hon har mer än 17 års erfarenhet av mjukvaru- och produktutveckling, främst inriktad på att föra fram datavisualisering/infografik och hänsyn till mänskliga faktorer i förgrunden inom Application Lifecycle Management. Senast var hon chef för produkthantering på Borland Software/Micro Focus, där hon ansvarade för att skapa ett nytt verktyg för hantering av agil utveckling. Bryan brinner för att förbättra hur mjukvara skapas och levereras - så att upplevelsen blir trevlig, rolig och ja, till och med härlig.