Product Portfolio Management

Innovation is all about focusing and optimizing the product portfolio so you can get products to market at the right time and cost. Topics we’ll explore in the Product Innovation blog category range from ideation management to product launch and product end-of-life. Experts will provide recommendations to take your innovation strategy and delivery process to the next level. You’ll get tips for picking the right projects, prioritizing good projects, and aligning them with strategy. Take your innovation strategy to the next level with information on improving time to market to maximize resources, funding, and time. Get tips from other customers on how they improved transparency to pick the right projects and kill the bad projects early. You will also be able to access ground-breaking research and fresh insights on how capacity planning can accelerate business innovation while lowering risk.

Answering 3 Key Automotive Industry 4.0 Questions

Vehicle factory shutdowns due to a microchip shortage, an automotive CEO losing his job for software concerns, and millions of connected cars on the road. No doubt about it, Automotive Industry 4.0 is here. Technology-related issues that weren’t a concern just five or ten years ago are now top of mind as customer demands and...

What Did the Pandemic Teach Us About New Product Development?

In this post, you will find questions and answers from an incredibly timely and informative webinar that provided crucial new product development best practices based on lessons learned from the pandemic. The information collected in these Q&As will act as valuable assets for anyone wanting to make clear the real need for more adaptive product...

Enrich joins Planview! – Enrich Consulting

When I started Enrich over two decades ago, my dream was to build a company that helped R&D teams manage uncertainty in new product development. Almost 24 years later, dozens of life science and R&D firms worldwide use our SaaS-based strategic portfolio management tools to leverage the collective wisdom of their staff and make confident,...

Better Lab Management: Managing Event Requests

What is Lab Management?  If science is the place where curiosity, discovery, and innovation meet up to have coffee, lab management is the process of making sure the doors are open, lights are on, and grounds are brewing. Labs in academia and industry rely on effective lab management to facilitate and support the groundbreaking scientific...

Single Source of Truth, Make Way for a Single Source of Understanding

In my last post, I covered the essential attributes of an effective single source of truth—a consolidated, reliable source of project information. But simply collecting project details into a centralized vault is not enough for effective decision-making. Your single source of truth needs to become a single source of understanding. A single source of understanding moves...

No Time Like the Present: Finally Ready for a Single Source of Truth?

Almost daily, we hear from companies that they want to create “a single source of truth” for portfolio management at their company. Software providers list “single source of truth” as a key feature of their products. And, in the midst of our months-long shelter-in-place, leveraging the collective wisdom of the company to make critical decisions...

Bullseye Charts for Complex Landscapes – Enrich Consulting

Innovation-driven firms are always on the lookout for effective new ways to communicate the nuances of their product pipeline and competitive position to management, analysts, and the product teams within R&D. While the pipeline charts offered within Enrich Analytics have become a go-to best-practice for our clients, we noticed a few companies building radial charts...

Universal Market Disruptions Drive Innovation at Hyper-Speed

Recently, Apple announced it was ending its iconic iTunes app, President Trump surprised the market with new tariff threats against Mexico, and the U.S. government increased scrutiny over Google, Apple, and Facebook over possible antitrust violations. All of these market disruptions are poised to hurt some companies while presenting opportunities for others. What effect could...

Making Portfolio Management a Competitive Advantage – Enrich Consulting

Many companies invest heavily in their project management processes and tools, improving their ability to keep initiatives on-time and on-budget. However, project management pays dividends only if the projects you’ve chosen to undertake have intrinsic value, are aligned with your corporate goals and have sufficient resources invested to take them across the finish line. Ensuring...

Upcoming Portfolio Management Conferences in 2019 – Enrich Consulting

Are you interested in networking with other innovation professionals and learning about best practices in R&D allocation? Here are three conferences we’ll be sponsoring in the coming months: Unleashing Innovation, June 13 and 14, Amsterdam This conference is cross industry, with R&D firms from all over Europe in attendance. We’ve been away for two years...