Project Portfolio Management

The PMO is under constant pressure. From maintaining standards for project management practices to planning and delivering projects – the PMO needs to be in constant sync with strategy and business outcomes. This PMO blog category provides numerous recommendations from experts to encourage top down and bottom up planning, improve processes, promote stakeholder satisfaction, and ultimately eliminate silos to advance the PMO function. Get expert advice on the pros and cons of adopting a continuous planning model. Experts will also share real-world advice on choosing your next Project Portfolio Management tool and how to #BeThatPMO your business needs.

Project Risk Management: The Basics

What is Project Risk Management? All projects – regardless of whether they are relatively short and straightforward, or long and complex – carry a degree of risk. This is because while many factors may be known, established and predictable, there are some aspects and variables that are unknown or iterative (i.e. more is known as...

How Work Automation is Changing Project Management

The classic definition of project management provided by the Project Management Institute is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” While this is essentially true, there is another piece of the project management puzzle that experienced project managers know all-to-well, and new project managers quickly discover:...

Team Project Management: DO’s and DON’Ts

While there are many ways to achieve project success, there is a unifying factor that all successful projects share regardless of whether their mission is to develop new software, construct a skyscraper, launch a comprehensive marketing campaign, or do anything else important and worthwhile: they make team project management a top priority. Indeed, in this...

How to Write a Project Plan

Abraham Lincoln said: “give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” And Yogi Berra shared: “if you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll end up someplace else.” The moral of these wise declarations is simple, clear and, indeed, timeless: investing the required...

What is Scrum Methodology in Project Management?

On some projects, especially those that focus on software development, it is preferable — or in many cases necessary — to take an iterative approach, in which small deliverables are completed in rapid succession; ultimately leading to a finished product. The bad news is that waterfall methodology (which we will look at in a moment)...

What is Agile Methodology and How does it work in Project Management?

What is Agile Methodology and How Does it Work in Project Management? Folk wisdom advises us “never to answer a question with a question.” However, there are times when it is helpful to break this rule, because in order to grasp an important point we first need to step back and take a look at...

Remote Team Management

5 Remote Team Management Best Practices for the Post-Pandemic Landscape The concept of remote team management is certainly not new. Indeed, remote working has been around in one form or another for decades – and for several valid reasons. For example, research has shown that: Remote workers spend on average of 4 more days working...

Why Project Scope Is So Important

Part of being a successful project manager means understanding exactly what is needed to achieve the objectives in a project and mapping out how to get there. For every project, no matter the size or complexity, it is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure it stays on track the entire time. The simplest...

Which stakeholders should I consult before starting a new project?

The initiation phase of a project can be a chaotic time for a project manager. Project objectives and deliverables are being defined, resource managers are working to assign team members for the project and budgets are being worked out. All these unresolved details can create uncertainty and restlessness on the part of stakeholders who are...

How to Define Your Project Scope

A project scope sets a project out on the right foot, it defines what the project is and is not meant to achieve and informs all stakeholders of the limits of its objectives. A project scope should concisely summarize the information and schedule of the project. The document itself does not have to be very...