What Are the Benefits of the Bottom Up Approach? – Planview AdaptiveWork

A common debate in the world of project management is that concerning the top down approach vs bottom up approach to management. While we have discussed this question before on our blog, here we will narrow the focus slightly, to investigate the benefits of bottom up approach theory and what they can bring to your...

Project Planning: What Are Typical Project Milestones? – Planview AdaptiveWork

Just as highway travelers can see how far they’ve traveled by watching for mile markers along the side of the road, project teams can use milestones to measure their progress toward their objectives. Milestones are an essential tool for communicating project status to internal and external stakeholders. In fact, defining and identifying project milestones is...

Five Things to Know About the Bottom Up Strategy – Planview AdaptiveWork

A common debate in project management circles is between the two styles of creating and executing a project plan: top-down and bottom-up. Top-down strategy involves the management of a project, i.e. the project manager having complete control over the delegation of tasks and the setting of the project schedule and deadlines. On the other hand,...

What is Critical Path in Project Management? | Planview AdaptiveWork

Trying to find a simple, clear and accurate critical path definition in project management can be difficult — but not impossible, because that’s exactly what this article provides! Keep reading to discover key concepts, best practices and warnings that every project manager should know about a critical path definition in project management. Early-career project managers...

Ethical Issues in Project Management (& How to Deal with Them)

There are many ethical lines that can be crossed in project management. The bigger the project, the more opportunities arise for people or companies to compromise their ethics in an effort to bring the project in on time and on budget. However, when project managers and other stakeholders turn a blind eye to questionable activities,...

What Great Leaders Know About Top Down Management – Planview AdaptiveWork

Leadership determines productivity and morale. The wrong style can set a company into a tailspin of dissent that could have serious consequences for your staff retention rate. If your leadership style doesn’t match the company culture or situation, chances are you won’t be successful at managing your people. The majority of management styles in modern...

Best Practices of Project Management Execution Phase

When it comes to the execution phase of your project there are several ways of succeeding in terms of developing and completing deliverables. The third phase of the project life cycle is one of the most crucial of the project phases, since it’s the phase where you will construct your deliverables and present them to...

The Importance of Project Management Tools – Planview AdaptiveWork

With the growing use of technology in all facets of modern life, it’s no surprise that a huge range of project management tools have been developed which assist PMs in just about every aspect of their day-to-day work. The importance of project management tools is apparent for any project manager seeking to ensure project success....

Project Budgets: Tips for Estimating & Cost Tracking – Planview AdaptiveWork

Effective project budget tracking is essential to ensure that project costs do not spiral out of control — and potentially threaten project success. This informative and easy-to-read article explores the basics of project budget tracking, including best practices and a 7-phase methodology. One of the most difficult tasks in project management is cost tracking and...

Formal vs. Informal Project Management: Which is Right for You?

Have you ever heard a project manager refer to “formal” project management and wondered what exactly makes it formal? While different organizations might have their own definition of the term, formal project management is the area of interest to professional project managers, and is the preferred style of management for most enterprise projects. Here’s a...