Passage du projet au produit

In the bestselling book Project to Product, Planview CTO Dr. Mik Kersten introduces leaders to the missing framework needed to create a Value Stream Network — the technology equivalent of an advanced manufacturing line that comprises thousands of IT professionals.

The Unicorn Project Review: Finding Flow with the Five Ideals 

A year ago Gene Kim and I were sitting at a bar in Detroit, discussing the Gemba Walk that we were invited to by Chris O’Malley, the CEO of Compuware. That conversation quickly turned to a problem that Gene had with the current state of The Unicorn Project. The characters were there, the plot was...

Celebrating One Year of Project To Product

It’s been a year since the launch of Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework, the bestselling book by Tasktop founder & CEO, Dr. Mik Kersten. With over 23,000 copies sold, the book currently sits within the Top 10 ‘Information Management’ bestsellers on Amazon,...

Reflections from a Year of Project to Product

Today marks one year since Project to Product was published. The book details my journey from empathizing with the frustrations of developers trying to deliver value to customers, to empathizing with the frustrations of entire organizations dealing with the onslaught of digital disruption. Helping developers was fairly straightforward, as that could be done with tools...

Reflections from DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 + Day Three Recap

It’s been just over a week since this year’s DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 in Las Vegas came to a close. And while we’re happy to be away from the artificial air that’s continuously pumped out at The Cosmopolitan, we will miss the breath of fresh air that many attendees and speakers brought to the DevOps...

Planview Viz launch – DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 – Day Two Recap

Over the past months, a number of Fortune 100 customers have been testing Tasktop’s new product, Planview Viz, to implement the Flow Framework™. We’re delighted to announce a limited release to a community near and dear to us at the DevOps Enterprise Summit – learn more from our CEO and founder, Dr. Mik Kersten.  Day...

Measuring What Matters in Software Delivery: The Planview Viz Story

Scientific and technological revolutions have been catalyzed by breakthroughs in measurement.  From Galileo’s telescope to tunneling electron microscopes, innovations in how we measure the world have been at the core of paradigm shifts. Measurements of the exchange of value and risk have produced the financial system that defines the world economy. With the underpinnings of...

DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 Speaker Q&A: Dominica DeGrandis, Principal Flow Advisor, Tasktop

“One big new “A-ha!” is the emergence of new roles in enterprises transitioning from project to product. Roles with skills that optimize product value streams, such as the Value Stream Architect.“ With DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 returning next week (The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, October 28-30), Tasktop (Booth 403) plans to make our biggest splash yet. Last year,...

DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 Speaker Q&A: Nicole Bryan, VP of Product Development, Tasktop

“Don’t just talk about the project to product transition ad nauseam. Pick a forward-thinking part of your organization and literally just start “doing product” – with intention, but not perfection.“ With DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 returning next week (The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, October 28-30), Tasktop (Booth 403) plans to make our biggest splash yet. Last year,...