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Services professionnels : Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

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Services professionnels : Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

Ok, David Bowie ne parlait pas de l'évolution des technologies et des services professionnels dans sa chanson à succès, "Changes". MAIS, il y a un sous-entendu dans les paroles de la chanson qui touche d'un peu trop près les services professionnels d'aujourd'hui.

The biggest congruency? The chorus:

Turn and face the strange/
Just gonna have to be a different man/
Time may change me/
But I can’t trace time”

The evolution of technology is disrupting traditional professional services. Client demands are higher than ever and those demands are calling for new delivery methods, new levels of service offerings, and new supplier-client relationships.

Trends like X-as-a-Service (XaaS), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile solutions, and business analytics are probing PSOs to offer ongoing services to clients that often require different payment methods and a new way of business for traditional PSOs.

Are your teams ready to “face the strange”—the unchartered waters that lie ahead? Not only are professional services teams going to have to learn to accommodate new client demands, there’s also a level of adjustment that will have to happen internally. In some cases, it’ll have to do with redefining the payment cycle and resource allocation, and in others it’ll have to do with implementing its own digital transformations in order to better serve clients—using new technology to deliver new engagements

So, is your PSO ready? Want to double check? Learn more about the shifting landscape in What’s Hot in Professional Services: Key Trends Affecting Your PSO.

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