Planification Agile d'entreprise

La solution Enterprise Agile Planning fournit une plateforme évolutive de gestion de portefeuille Lean, de gestion de programme Agile et de livraison Agile à l'échelle de l'entreprise qui soutient les organisations de la stratégie à la livraison, quel que soit le stade où elles se trouvent dans leur parcours de transformation. Planifiez et financez les portefeuilles Lean-Agile et traditionnels dans une seule plateforme pour des plans stratégiquement alignés et axés sur les résultats. La solution Enterprise Agile Planning permet aux organisations de fournir la valeur qui compte le plus tout en se transformant selon leurs conditions et leur calendrier.

Latte Art and the Art of the Agile Team

These past eight months I’’ve spent working at Tasktop, I’’ve picked up some truly interesting and marketable skills. Among the expected skills for a Quality Assurance Engineer (attention to detail, ability to assess large swaths of code for functionality, critical thinking for creating tests, communication skills) one of the skills my colleagues point out is the fine...

Tasktop 4.4 Released: Identity and Traceability across the DevOps Pipeline

At last week’s DevOps Enterprise Summit we got to hear how industry leaders are transforming the way that software is built.  Most speakers told stories of automating the build, release or continuous delivery pipeline, and the cultural transformation that followed. One talk stood out from all the others because it described a transformation that went...

Decorating Agile… with Pride

Back in 2002, I didn’t have a clue about how much Agile would change the world of software delivery. But Agile did feel right; so my small team at the New York Stock Exchange went for it.  Why?  Honestly, I’m not sure we totally knew why – as I said, it just felt right –...

The Power of Scaling Agile While Maintaining Control

Delivering high-quality software stresses most IT organizations. Software operates in complex technical environments, complicating analysis and design. Teams are diverse and distributed, challenging collaboration and development of shared understanding. And outdated processes and independent development tools tend to silo business analysts, designers, developers, and testers, adding overhead to what CIOs wish could be an efficient...

New Partnership with Blueprint Software Systems

Tasktop, the industry standard for ALM integration, is excited to launch a new partnership with Blueprint Software Systems, a fellow Canadian corporation! Blueprint is a leading vendor in the requirements space, providing capabilities to not only better define and manage requirements, but also provide traceability and management reporting. This OEM agreement further extends requirements management and traceability...

Summertime and the Integration is Easy

There is a saying that the only things you can be certain of in life are death and taxes. At Tasktop there is another certainty, every three months we release software. Our regular delivery cadence has become a heartbeat for Tasktop, delivering innovation in regular, consumable chunks.  And today, July 28th 2015 we announced the next release of...

Premium grade fuel for software lifecycle analytics engines

I’ve long taken inspiration from Peter Drucker’s caution that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Technological progress has been punctuated by advances in measurement, ranging from Galileo’s telescope to Intel’s obsession with nanometers. Our industry is starting to go through a profound transformation in measuring how software is built, but only after...

CA World – Building bridges between development and the PMO by scaling Agile

Two weeks ago I spent three days in sunny, yet chilly Las Vegas at CA World (yes Vegas was suffering from a cold spell). CA World is the premier event for CA customers, a chance to hear what is new with CA technologies, share customer experiences and connect with product management and CA leadership on...

You win with people: A look back at Lean Into Agile

As people entered the Fawcett Center on campus of The Ohio State University for the inaugural Lean Into Agile conference, a wall-sized picture of legendary Buckeye football coach Woody Hayes greeted us. The quote, left, could not have been better foreshadowing for the theme of the day. Michael Sahota used his opening keynote to break...

What do Gene Kim, Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery Have in Common? Pretty much Everything.

We are just back from the Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps Transformation Summit and, from what we can tell it more than lived up to its promotion. For three days, software development and delivery professionals availed themselves of talks, educational sessions, vendor information and networking in the beautiful Bay Area. It’s our understanding that this...