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Meilleures pratiques dans l'utilisation de Planview AdaptiveWork Go pour gérer les équipes informatiques à distance

Publié le Par l'équipe AdaptiveWork

In recent weeks, organizations of all shapes & sizes were forced to transition part or all of their business operations to be conducted remotely.  For most companies, this was a drastic transition which had to be done quickly & efficiently, and the challenge to execute this transition typically fell on the shoulders of each organization’s IT Team. Here we’ll share an example of how an IT team was able to transition not only their own department’s operations to manage work remotely, but also the operations of their entire organization.

Performing Under Pressure

When the announcement came that the company will be temporarily closing all of their office locations worldwide and migrating their workforce to work from home, the IT team immediately opened up a dedicated Workspace in Planview AdaptiveWork Go. They wanted to coordinate the myriad of tasks & projects associated with this “Remote Work Initiative” in one place. Not only would this better organize the team, it would also help in hindsight, as the leadership assed the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the business.

L'"initiative de travail à distance" a été conçue pour automatiser les demandes entrantes liées à la migration des opérations à partir de sources multiples telles que ServiceNow, MS Teams, les courriels et plus encore.  Ce processus d'arriéré de tâches a également permis de rationaliser l'affectation de chaque demande à des membres spécifiques de l'équipe informatique, en répartissant le travail de manière appropriée et uniforme selon les besoins. De cette façon, chaque tâche pourrait être suivie et réalisée plus efficacement.

The IT manager could quickly review each new request, add key information such as due dates, importance ratings and classifications and ultimately assign the task to the appropriate IT team member for completion. The company had only 1 week to have their entire workforce ready for remote operations. They were able to meet this deadline by having clear visibility into the status of requests, and where they stood against key milestones and a tight timeline. Making adjustments in resources to accommodate each and every request.

No Rest for the Weary

Not only was the IT Team responsible for enabling a smooth transition for the organization’s entire employee base, but they also remained responsible for any existing projects they had in process, Tier 2 escalations and the other regular day-day work which is critical to the business.

Avant d'utiliser Planview AdaptiveWork Go comme plate-forme de commande centrale, l'équipe informatique gérait ses escalades de niveau 2 lors de réunions en face à face et sur un tableau blanc au bureau. Ces méthodes reposaient sur le fait que les affaires étaient menées dans un bureau central, et qu'elles étaient donc rendues indisponibles lorsqu'ils travaillaient à distance.  L'équipe informatique a donc utilisé l'intégration Zoom de Planview AdaptiveWork Go pour collaborer en temps réel sur les escalades de haute priorité, capturer tous les enregistrements de leurs réunions Zoom et les associer à la tâche appropriée dans Planview AdaptiveWork Go.

As an emerging Ecommerce technology company, the IT Team also plays a major role in the day-to-day upkeep of the company’s website. Heavy and constant cross-department collaboration is needed to ensure that the website is performing at optimal levels 24/7/365. As their peers on other teams continued to operate independently in other siloed environments the IT Team was able to centralize key blocks of work in Planview AdaptiveWork Go across all teams to groom the backlog, plan sprints and ensure that the most critical work was completed during each sprint.

While these tactics and processes were implemented by an IT at a Technology company, these are also learning opportunities for other departments and industries. When looking at the individual examples above as a whole, it showcases how a team which is agile and prepared can be successful in the face of unforeseen challenges, while still delivering on their day-to-day commitments.

Once we all get back to the normal run of business and the Headquarter Office’s doors open again. Be sure to find and thank your IT reps for their hard work in setting up your organization for a successful transition to remote work, while still keeping up to date with their own tasks.

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