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Mylyn is turning Japanese

Publié le By Tasktop Blogger
Mylyn is turning Japanese

While Mylyn will happily display other languages and character sets coming from the task repository, the Mylyn UI has never been internationalized. The Eclipse Babel project has provided a great service by enabiling the community to contribute translations. But to support Babel, a project needs to update its codebase to support internationalization.

In a tireless effort, Hiroyuki Inaba contributed patches that externalize strings in the Mylyn code base. Despite a changing code base and the necessary IP review process, Hiroyuki kept the patches current and we were able to apply them to cvs last week. A new build is now available from the weekly update site.

Localized Task Editor

The changes introduced by the patches were quite significant and a few strings may have been lost or misplaced in the process. If you encounter any missing or garbled strings in the latest weekly build, please comment on bug 258358.

Starting now, everyone who has a Bugzilla account can help translate Mylyn through Eclipse Babel. Follow the Help Translate Eclipse link, select a language and choose tools.mylyn as the project to make Mylyn speak your native tongue in time for the upcoming Galileo release.

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