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Planview Hub Release 22.3

Publié le By Debbie Konrad
Planview Hub Release 22.3

Planview Hub 22.3, our latest release from our Value Stream Management platform.  is out today, making end-to-end toolchain integration even faster and easier.

This quarter, we’re excited to announce two new connectors—Asana and Xray On-Prem—along with some UI and performance improvements that should make your life a little bit easier. Read on to get the latest!

Asana and Xray On-Prem Are Now Supported

Xray is a popular Jira native application for enterprise test management that streamlines development and testing by managing manual and automated tests as Jira issues. In complex development and test environments, linking development directly to test planning and execution ensures quality is embedded throughout your software development lifecycle. 

Synchronizing requirements to build test cases at the beginning of the process improves collaboration between Product and Test. And connecting test execution and results ensures test coverage is thorough and complete. Our new Xray support means testers are included in every step of the way and understand the scope of their work for each release at the very beginning. No more silos, no more last minute work. 

You can see Xray in action ici  or get all the details in our docs.

Asana est un web and mobile work management platform designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work. Our latest connector lets you measure flow in Asana and synchronize artifacts between Asana and the rest of your toolchain.

Watch this demo of an Asana, LeanKit, and Jira integration to see how Product Managers, Project Managers, and Developers can all stay in their preferred tools but still maintain a global view of all departments’ progress. Key fields and information about the project’s tasks including section, comments, dates, and attachments will all flow bi-directionally. 

If you need to dive deep, you can always check out our  docs site to find out more.

Planview Hub

Sometimes, the smallest things can have the biggest impact. We want to tell you about three UI improvements in Hub that will make you more efficient and save you some time.

Emails en masse

Keeping teams in their tools of choice is kind of what we do, and so, for on-prem customers, we made it possible for you to stay in Hub and send all your email notifications—even when you’re sending to multiple addresses.

Save, and save often 

That sinking feeling you get when you do all kinds of work and then forget to save … it’s a thing of the past. You’ll notice the “Save” and “Cancel” buttons are now pervasive, even when you scroll down. Never lose data again! 


Filters can be good. For photos, for water, and sometimes, for metrics. But it’s important to understand when they’re in place, which is why we added some additional information to the metrics page. We wanted you to know for sure whether the numbers you’re looking at—for artifacts and users—have any filters applied. 

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