Outil de planification agile : Quatre cas d'utilisation Lean-Agile
What does Agile planning software enable? This blog features four Agile use cases in which agile planning tools and capabilites can support work delivery.
Votre parcours vers l’agilité métier
What does Agile planning software enable? This blog features four Agile use cases in which agile planning tools and capabilites can support work delivery.
Planview has developed the Lean-Agile Pathfinder to help you assess where you are in your Agile maturity journey and to provide guidance on where to focus the next steps of your Agile transformation.
Comment créer des cultures véritablement agiles, qui stimulent l'innovation et ont un état d'esprit agile en permanence ? Par où les organisations commencent-elles, et comment obtenir l'adhésion de tous ?
Construisez un cadre qui amplifie réellement les avantages d'Agile afin que votre équipe agile travaille de manière cohésive pour offrir innovation et amélioration continue.
Planview s'associe à Cprime pour aider ses clients à mieux réussir leur transformation Agile et numérique. Accédez à la démo et à la fiche d'information.
La conférence Agile 2019 a confirmé que l'énergie de la communauté autour d'Agile, en tant que meilleure façon de travailler, n'a pas faibli. L'ambiance positive était palpable.
It was a day of firsts. It was the first time where the name and logo for the event indicated the lunch menu (Yes, we had fried chicken for lunch, of course.). It was the first time that I got to see Dave West, Tasktop’s Chief Product Officer, deliver one of his clever, information rich,...
Planview est nommé leader dans le Magic Quadrant de Gartner pour les outils de planification agile d'entreprise. Lisez le blog, regardez la vidéo et obtenez le rapport.
Tasktop, the industry standard for ALM integration, is excited to launch a new partnership with Blueprint Software Systems, a fellow Canadian corporation! Blueprint is a leading vendor in the requirements space, providing capabilities to not only better define and manage requirements, but also provide traceability and management reporting. This OEM agreement further extends requirements management and traceability...
You probably know that your software delivery capabilities are vital in safeguarding your organization against digital disruption from younger, more digital-native companies. To address this threat, you’ve probably adopted widely-publicized Agile and DevOps practices to enhance the delivery speed and quality of your software. Perhaps you or your someone in your team was inspired by...