
Das PMO steht unter ständigem Druck. Von der Einhaltung von Standards für Projektmanagementpraktiken bis hin zur Planung und Durchführung von Projekten - das PMO muss ständig mit der Strategie und den Geschäftsergebnissen synchronisiert sein. In dieser PMO-Blog-Kategorie finden Sie zahlreiche Empfehlungen von Experten zur Förderung der Top-Down- und Bottom-Up-Planung, zur Verbesserung der Prozesse, zur Förderung der Zufriedenheit der Stakeholder und schließlich zur Beseitigung von Silos, um die PMO-Funktion voranzubringen. Holen Sie sich Expertenrat zu den Vor- und Nachteilen der Einführung eines kontinuierlichen Planungsmodells. Die Experten werden Ihnen auch praktische Ratschläge für die Auswahl Ihres nächsten Projektportfoliomanagement-Tools geben und Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie #BeThatPMO werden, den Ihr Unternehmen braucht.

Verstehen der Risiken, die mit dem Management von Unternehmensprojekten verbunden sind

Whether you manage projects or simply work on them, you’re probably aware that risk management is one of the most important considerations that determine long-term project success. Teams and managers who identify the risks to their projects, and take the necessary steps to avoid those risks, have a much better chance of creating high-quality deliverables...

Einblicke in den Lebenslauf eines Projektmanagers

Are you interested in a career as a project manager? If so, it’s easy to understand why. Project managers are in demand in virtually every industry, and project manager salaries are steadily on the rise around the globe. Whether you’re a recent college grad or a seasoned professional, a project management position can be a...

Projektmanagement für Kreative: Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg

In decades past, the concept of project management was closely associated with a few specific industries—engineering, construction and technology in particular. These were the fields that had given rise to project management as a discipline; where most of the fundamental concepts behind project management were developed. More recently, project management has become an essential part...

How visibility fulfills the promise of the transparent enterprise

In recent years, many organizations have made significant investments in training and technology to evolve into a transparent enterprise. And while it is hard to imagine any organization concluding that their attempt was a total failure or a misguided effort, many are nevertheless asking themselves the same thing: “what are we doing wrong?” The story...

Software für Unternehmensprojektmanagement: Eine Einführung

Just like a four leaf clover on St. Patrick’s day, every company wants to grow. In fact, most companies would probably say that growth is their primary goal and ultimate measure of success. With growth, however, comes a host of new challenges. Growing companies often need to find new locations, add new internal departments, invest...

Top 5 Tools für das moderne IT-Team

What does an IT team do? If you were to ask 100 IT professionals that question, you’d probably get 100 different answers. But you’d also find a common thread, because there’s one characteristic that’s common to all IT teams: they’re in charge of the technology and tools that allow the business to function. In order...

Email, IM and chat – Oh my! 4 tips for avoiding distractions at work

Heads up Dorothy – and your little dog, too. In today’s business environment, instead of worrying about lions, tigers and bears (oh my!), employees are endlessly under siege by a trio of distractions at work that are stealing focus, robbing energy, and paving the way for chronic under-performance: email, IM and chat. Now, this isn’t...

5 questions to help professional services organizations improve their bid-to-win ratio

Over the last several years, professional service organizations (PSOs) have experienced an unprecedented level of disruption and change – and employees hoping that the journey ahead will (finally!) offer a nice stretch of peaceful, easy sailing need to reset their expectations: because it is all hands on deck as both competition and customer expectations surge....

How project management software helps PSOs achieve – or avoid – human capital alignment

In its 2016 Professional Services Maturity™ Benchmark, Service Performance Insights notes that in response to shifting human capital dynamics, professional services organizations (PSO) must “create a different type of workforce that requires technical and client management competency with equal parts of flexibility, autonomy and accountability.” Naturally, talent management programs must play a major role in...