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Willkommen bei Planview IdeaPlace in der Planview-Familie

Veröffentlicht Von Patrick Tickle

Planview IdeaPlace von Planview

We have some exciting news to share with you today: Spigit®, the world’s innovation management software leader, is joining Planview®!

At Planview, we have always believed the innovation management segment is a perfect complement to our work and resource management (WRM) vision of connecting strategy and delivery. Planview IdeaPlace brings new capabilities to Planview customers by lifting the innovation and idea DNA across all our WRM solutions, from product portfolio management to enterprise architecture to PPM. And, Planview IdeaPlace customers can now fully leverage Planview’s integrated WRM platform to connect the idea-to-delivery process across their entire enterprise like never before.

Planview IdeaPlace verstärkt jede Planview WRM-Lösung

IdeaPlace’s crowdsourced innovation management capabilities not only enable organizations to continually fuel new ideas, its industry-first machine learning technology accelerates the discovery of breakthrough ideas that ultimately leads to delivering more innovative, profitable, and differentiated products to the market. Almost every organization is finding itself in the middle of a significant transformation – either physical or digital in nature. Imagine the possibilities when you increase employee engagement, accelerate ideation and innovation, and elevate the customer experience, all through an interconnected enterprise!

With Planview IdeaPlace becoming part of the Planview family, we are bringing together powerful capabilities that can unlock new value for our customers, break down organizational silos, and accelerate innovation and transformation.

One of the unique aspects of our WRM journey is the conversations we are creating in organizations. As I travel around the world, every week I am meeting with PMOs, EAs, Agile leaders, and Finance teams – all in the same room. These meetings are all about the interconnected nature of transformation and how Planview can help them manage a comprehensive and shifting landscape of work and resources. With Planview IdeaPlace as part of Planview, the Chief Innovation Officer will now be in the room and part of these meetings – a perfect and powerful addition to this dialog we are having with every customer. This truly is a game changer! Read more about this exciting news in today’s press release.

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Geschrieben von Patrick Tickle Verantwortlicher für Produkte

Patrick Tickle ist für die gesamte Produktabteilung des Unternehmens verantwortlich und leitet das Planview-Team, das laufend die innovativsten Portfolio-Management-Lösungen auf den Markt bringt. Patrick Tickle verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Produktmanagement, in der Produktentwicklung und im Marketing einer Vielzahl von Technologielösungen. Bevor er zu Planview kam, arbeitete er als Vice President of Marketing and Product Management bei ITM Software, wo er die Kategorienentwicklung und die Produktdefinition umsetzte. Außerdem war er in verschiedenen Positionen im Produktmanagement und Marketing bei Terraspring, Inc. (ein Anbieter von Unternehmenssoftware, der von Sun Microsystems übernommen wurde), MIPS und Silicon Graphics tätig. Er besitzt einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Electrical Engineering von der University of Notre Dame und einen MBA von der University of North Carolina.