Every project manager knows that the role comes with responsibilities. An outmost focus on getting the team onboard, reaching goals within budget and delivering value towards stakeholders is common ground. Everyone has their own unique and highly individual way of getting things done, but the mechanics of a successful project are often shared by many successful project managers.
Ask yourself these questions and provide your project with a flying start.
#1 How would you visualize your goal?
The ability to visualize the end goal is one of the foremost traits of great achievers, from rockstar CEO’s to sports athletes. Successful project managers and their teams do exactly that: visualize in a concrete way what the end goal looks like, what it would mean for your organization. Make it tangible, even during the planning phase.
#2 Do you share the same vision?
Share your vision with the team. But equally important; get to know your team’s vision. This is crucial for enabling seamless collaboration. You’ll have different perspectives and objectives, for sure, but discuss them openly and prevent future team dissonance.
#3 How do you adapt for change?
Inevitably, things always change and you and your team must change with it. This is an issue where technology truly offers an advantage. New software tools for planning, teamwork and execution support the project managers and together with their teams they will adapt much faster to change, from team structure to roadmap, and ultimately reach their goals faster.
#4 How do you communicate?
Central to success and effective work management is direct and clear communication. A transparent collaboration platform with easy conversations features help project managers and teams to discuss progress, challenges, daily activities and achievements. This helps keeping the teams motivated and engaged.
#5 How is execution supported?
Kanban has become the name of the game. Kanban boards for planning and executing work is the tool modern managers of all ranks must use. It aids any work management process. All the tasks can be viewed on a single page which facilitates management and progress tracking. The tool is easy and powerful at the same time.
#6 How do you minimize administration and optimize for getting things done?
In a perfect world, administration is outsourced and automated. It allows a managers and teams to focus on what is important. It allows time to manage and inspire the team. Carrying out the job with a positive approach and making sure that the team is supported by the right tools is the key to success.
Ask yourself these questions, evaluate how your project is structured and get on the right track with your project.