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Behind the Strategy: A Conversation with Ryan Brant, Senior ABM Manager 

Learn how someone on the demand generation team at Planview leverages their skills in a cross-functional go-to-market team.

Published By Samantha Wlodawsky
Behind the Strategy: A Conversation with Ryan Brant, Senior ABM Manager 

At Planview, our mission is to build the future of connected work by empowering our customers and teams to excel in what matters most. Whether it’s driving innovation or enhancing customer engagement, collaboration, and dedication are essential to success. 

This brings us to our latest employee spotlight! Today, we are getting to know one of the seven Ryans at Planview — Ryan Brant, a Senior Account-Based Marketing Manager. Ryan gives us a glimpse into his daily life, how he balances work and life, and how he transitioned from sales to marketing. Here’s what he has to share. 

Describe your current role and responsibilities

I’m a senior account-based marketing manager. I primarily run targeted marketing programs for some of our most significant enterprise accounts or those with the most growth potential based on the highest propensity-to-buy signals we’ve identified. Additionally, a big part of my role involves leveraging different media channels and establishing a demand plan to surround these accounts with as much engagement as possible. This includes using LinkedIn, demand vendors, and other advertising channels. 

Can you tell us about your career journey to date? 

I’ve been at Planview for about six-and-a-half years. I started as an SDR (sales development representative) — my first role in software after working in advertising sales. After working as an SDR for a couple of years and learning the sales side, I was able to transition into demand generation, joining the marketing team where I’ve been for the last four years. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as your career has evolved? 

One of the biggest lessons is to never forget where you started. For me, that’s the SDR role, and I still apply those practices in my job today, even though my client is now internal. It’s also important to maintain a mindset of being willing to help, even when something isn’t part of your specific responsibilities. You can always guide people in the right direction or help them find answers. 

Are there any experiences in your life that contributed to your professional success? 

I’ve been working since I was about 13. My mom is a parks and recreation director, and when I was younger, I had the choice to either participate in summer camps or figure out a job within the camp programs. I think having the ability to establish my own roles early on helped me develop both creativity and a strong work ethic. 

What type of meetings do you prepare for, and who do you typically collaborate with? 

Meetings are a big part of my role. Our team is cross-functional, consisting of our internal meetings. There are internal and external meetings, but primarily external ones nowadays. We also have other internal meetings with other go-to-market and sales teams. The external meetings are with our vendors to ensure campaigns are running there. We collaborate with the sales team the most because they know about the different accounts.

What makes your team so effective? 

Our cross-functional nature makes us effective. Although we come from different roles, regions, and walks of life, we work well together, aligning and collaborating toward a joint mission.

Tell us about working from home. What are your tips for success? 

I love working from home. It’s incredible how much you can get done, both professionally and personally. It was hard to adjust during the pandemic, but taking breaks—like going outside and setting a strict cutoff time—has helped. Having a dedicated office space to separate work from home life is also key. 

How do you manage your work-life balance? Do you have any additional tips? 

Again, breaks are essential, especially with context switching in my role. After meetings or before starting a new task, I like to take a 15-minute walk to reset. Getting outside and taking time away from the screen helps me maintain balance. 

What motivates you while working? 

I’m motivated by my passion for account-based marketing. I went to school for marketing, and I’m grateful to apply what I learned. Seeing Planview grow from around 700 people globally to nearly 2,000 now has been exciting and keeps me engaged. 

How is Planview different from other companies you’ve worked for? 

Planview is the only software company I’ve worked for, but its culture is very different from where I was before. The people and the culture here are a big reason why I’ve stayed for so long. 

Which of Planview’s five core values resonates the most with your experience? 

“We build together” is the one that resonates most with my experience. It speaks to our team’s responsibility to align with sales and other go-to-market teams. The more we collaborate and stay aligned, the better it is for everyone. 

How do you unwind when you’re off the clock? 

I enjoy being outdoors, especially near bodies of water like rivers or the beach. In cooler weather, I go hiking. I also love music and cooking, especially when I can have the windows open and enjoy the fall weather. My specialty is making soups, which my wife loves, and homemade broth. 

What excites you most about becoming a dad? 

I’m most excited to meet my child. People ask if I’m nervous or ready, but I’m excited to see their personality develop over the years. 

How do you feel you bring your unique set of skills to your job? 

At Planview, there’s a lot of autonomy, and everyone’s opinions are valued. It’s important to share ideas, even if they seem small or silly, because they contribute to brainstorming. The trusted autonomy we have allows us to apply our unique skills to our daily work.  

Does Planview feel like a good fit for you? Check out our career opportunities worldwide. 

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Written by Samantha Wlodawsky

Samantha Wlodawsky is a rising senior graduating a year early from the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in corporate communication with a business sales minor. Before joining Planview as an intern, she interned at Buckle as a Sales and Management intern, Volt 31 as a CRM Marketing Analyst, and is still interning at the Brandeis Center. She is eager to be a part of the Planview Corporate Marketing team while gaining valuable skills and building thoughtful connections throughout her experience!