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Hur brittiska projektledare kan dra nytta av artificiell intelligens

Publicerad By Team AdaptiveWork

Public perception of artificial intelligence is often polarizing. On one hand, some view artificial intelligence as a necessary means of achieving a stable and comfortable future, in compliance with environmental concerns and enhanced automation. On the other, some are fearful that it will result in job losses and possibly even pose an existential threat to humanity.

While the argument is certainly broad, artificial intelligence undoubtedly imparts a positive impact on the world of project management. However, research indicates that the success and potential benefits of implementing artificial intelligence in project management are entirely dependent on the skills and understanding of the project management team. To help make sense of all this, here are a few tips concerning how UK project managers can benefit from artificial intelligence.

Lessen the Burden Through Automation

As any project manager can attest, the job comes with a level of responsibility that would make Spider-Man nervous. Whether its processing various documents, monitoring schedule adherence, constructing budgets or fulfilling a myriad of other administrative assignments, most project managers spend far too much time on paperwork. In fact, some studies indicate that most project managers waste more than half of their time on administrative tasks. This is time that could be better spent utilizing their instincts and brain power to develop strategies and future policies and procedures.

Thankfully, this is something that artificial intelligence in project management can resolve. Currently, there are a plethora of tools, like smart assistant apps, various detection algorithms and voice-to-text assistants that aid project managers by automating administrative tasks. However, most of the artificial intelligence used in project management today is extremely limited, with considerable user interaction required rather than being “truly” artificially intelligent. Though with the influx of technology that seems to characterize our current historical period, the future seems very bright indeed.

Facilitate an Understanding Between Employees and Machines

Rather than wasting time teaching new hires the basics of every single piece of software, why not make the program itself more intuitive so that anyone can use it? Another means of achieving a similarly productive end is by offering a completely customizable user experience, where the program’s algorithm learns and responds to the way they interact with the software. Concurrently, artificial intelligence can also implement a predictive index to create safer working environments. To do this, the app performs an adept detection of potential workplace hazards, including technological and mechanical performance, atmospheric quality and employee facial expressions that would otherwise go undetected by the human eye.


Artificial intelligence is essentially a vast network of interconnected applications. The irony here is that this algorithmic connection also applies to the people who interact with the technology. For example, artificial intelligence can successfully monitor a team’s output and designate future tasks based on that data.

For those looking for a platform that combines real-time visibility with enhanced automation, Planview AdaptiveWork provides a powerful array of real-time tools designed to optimize efficiency and integrate seamlessly into a modern business environment.

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