Strategisk planering

Operationalisera strategiska planer - från utformning till genomförande i hela organisationen.

Öppen innovation: Inspirera samarbete inom FN

Early last year, our partners at UNHCR told me about their new venture to employ the Planview IdeaPlace online platform. Invited to carry out a review of the pilot-run for the platform, I was excited to learn more about how they were trying to use an Conducting Research and Making Connections Collaboration, partnerships, and engaging...

Risken med att inte göra någonting

Aktuella händelser ger en bild av en finanssektor som är plågad av "teknisk skuld", vilket leder till säkerhetsöverträdelser, låsning av bankomater, blockerade betal- och kreditkort med mera. Det känns ofta som om vi som konsumenter inte har något annat val än att acceptera dessa felaktiga system. Men ju mer jag läser om dessa utmaningar, desto mer är företagsarkitekturen...

Two Ingredients for Pursuing Externally Focused Innovation

Organizations increasingly seek new forms of innovation—and, for themselves, transformation—by engaging in co-creation with the suppliers, clients, and consumers that comprise their value streams. What insights might be gained from organizations that have begun to realize their potential for leadership by embracing openness as a core element of their charter? In this article innovation architect...

Project Prioritization is Not Enough: Why No One Uses Optimization for R&D Portfolio Management, and Why You Should – Enrich Consulting

R&D-driven organizations face the constant challenge of deciding whether to continue funding existing projects and when to start new initiatives. The overwhelming majority of firms will use project prioritization to rank the opportunities as part of that exercise, with a small minority suspecting that optimization is better suited to the task of project selection. So...

Uppgifter: Större betyder inte alltid bättre

No doubt about it, Big Data is big business. It has certainly captured the imagination and wallets of business executives everywhere. In fact, Gartner estimates that Big Data drove $34 billion in worldwide IT spending last year.¹ With that kind of money being spent, it’s probably safe to say Big Data is a big deal. That...

Att göra rätt sak kontra att göra saker rätt

"Ledning är att göra saker och ting rätt, ledarskap är att göra rätt saker och ting."¹ Företag har alltid haft enorma utmaningar i beslutsfattandet på grund av brist på relevant, fullständig, korrekt och aktuell information. Problemet har blivit allt mer akut i takt med att företag expanderar eller minskar i storlek, förändringstakten ökar och förändringarna blir allt mer omfattande. Så med alla dessa...

Strategi och genomförande hör ihop

The Economist publicerade nyligen en intressant artikel med titeln Strategic moves: Big consulting and accounting firms are making a risky move into strategy work, om vad som verkar vara en ny konsolideringsrörelse bland de stora strategikonsultföretagen och verksamhetsspecialisterna i en strävan att erbjuda både strategi- och genomförandetjänster. Traditionellt sett har man inom företag och i hela...

Portfolio Management Can Be a Six Year Journey, Here’s Why – Enrich Consulting

The September-October 2013 issue of Research Technology Management Journal includes a case study on portfolio management written by our own Dan Smith and yours truly: “From Budget-Based to Strategy-Based Portfolio Management: A Six-Year Case Study”. In it, we describe the journey of a life sciences company as it transitioned from a conservative, somewhat disordered investment...

What if Everyone Were a Statistician? – Enrich Consulting

There’s a nice blog post by statistician Jeff Leek on how more and more non-statisticians are finding themselves in roles that involve data analysis and visualization. Data are becoming more and more available, and less and less expensive to collect, and the tools for analyzing that data, from Excel to SAS to Spotfire, are becoming...