Knowledge is power – how your QA/test teams can help you accelerate your value delivery 

As the digital demands of the business continue to escalate, software delivery teams are under extraordinary pressure to deliver more work faster. Speed, however, counts for little if these teams are not delivering a high-quality product of value; rapid turnaround for a customer request is futile if the feature doesn’t work properly or meet their...

Ett nytt kapitel för Planview

Jag är så glad att kunna dela med mig av Planviews nya visuella identitet! Sedan 1989 har Planview legat i framkant när det gäller att tillhandahålla prisbelönta företagslösningar för hantering av arbete och resurser. Nu går vi in i nästa kapitel som den främsta plattformen för att göra det möjligt för alla organisationer att smidigt omvandla strategi till leverans inom...

How the UK Views the Legal Status of Cryptocurrency

As cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm and launched a major debate about whether it could actually shake up how finance and currency work, one field which has lagged sorely behind its pace of change is cryptocurrency law. In many fields of innovation, tight regulation early on might be seen as constricting and having...

To hybrid, or not to hybrid, that is the question

“Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” — John F. Kennedy, 1963. Change is hard on everyone. Even the more adaptable among us have a hard time changing the way they do their things. And that goes double for change in the...

Hur man byter från fysiska till online Kanban-tavlor

There are many reasons why your team might currently be using a physical Kanban board rather than an online Kanban board. For one, using a physical Kanban board is a great way to learn the fundamentals of Kanban. It can get your team to commit to the idea of sharing work on a shared board,...

5 Sätt att använda mindfulness för ökad produktivitet

One of the greatest questions constantly facing business owners, managers and individual employees is how to improve productivity at work. The theme is a multi-billion-dollar industry and has spawned thousands of help books and speaker tours, yet the solution might actually be one of the relatively simplest to implement – mindfulness. Mindfulness is a relatively...

Hur du använder projektledningsverktyg för att hantera ditt arbetsflöde för marknadsföring

New technology has radically altered how marketing teams function, not only in terms of on what and where they work but also how they work. Progressing from spreadsheet Gantt charts and basic early programs, online project management tools have become an essential piece of every successful marketing team’s operations. With most marketing departments moving towards...

Arbetsvärlden förändras - så här kan du ta till dig den

Har din organisation utvecklats när det gäller hur arbetet utförs? PMO:er inser snabbt att i dagens föränderliga arbetsvärld handlar det inte om vilka metoder som används för att få arbetet gjort som påverkar resultaten, utan det handlar om att ta ett hybridt tillvägagångssätt för portföljer - att ge teamen möjlighet att använda de metoder och processer som kommer att...

What Type of PM are You? Find (and Make the Most of) Your Management Style

Every project manager will have their own way of dealing with things that’s unique to them and their personality and experiences. However, more generally, we all fit into types of management styles. There are pros and cons to each of these and it’s always good to recognize which one you are so as to work...