Vad är en projektmästare?

Working in project management comes with its own set of buzzwords you need to get familiar with if you want to stay relevant. At Planview AdaptiveWork, we’re here to make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest terminology, so you can “walk the walk” and “talk the talk,” so to say. One of the terms you...

Vetenskapen om Kanban-visualisering

Kan visualisering av ditt arbete verkligen göra så stor skillnad i din produktivitet? Vetenskapen om Kanban-visualisering pekar på ja.  Vad är visualisering? Om du försöker bli mer produktiv, avsiktlig eller effektiv i ditt arbete eller privatliv har du förmodligen hört talas om visualisering. Visualisering är en term som helt enkelt beskriver processen...

Ge effektivare samarbete med Planview AdaptiveWork Go för MS Teams

Planview AdaptiveWork Go is purpose-built to allow you to work the way you want.  This ideology is on full display within the product, as you can execute in either Scrum, Kanban or Scrumban styles depending on the work which needs to be done. This theme also persists in the way that Planview AdaptiveWork Go plays...

Lider du av trötthet på virtuella möten? Här är din spelplan

Before the coronavirus pandemic, virtual meetings were scheduled around work. Now, it seems as though work is scheduled around virtual meetings. And while I’m as pro-technology as anyone — especially when it comes to solutions that eliminate geographic barriers — I’ll admit that I’m suffering from virtual meeting fatigue. What’s more, while I like virtual...

New Product Release: What’s New in Planview Hub 20.2

Tasktop’s latest product release—Planview Hub 20.2—is out today to make toolchain integration even easier and powerful, enabling large-scale organizations to accelerate the flow of work and business value across their software portfolio. Key highlights include: More control over operational processes using Conditional Field Flow Conflict resolution at the field-level Enhanced support for Micro Focus ALM...

Vad Excel är bra för - och vad det inte är

Most businesses today care about efficiency. Not just because of all the things a company can achieve when you work smarter, but because of all the time that opens up for you to spend on family, friends, hobbies, travel, and a full and rich life outside of work. One of the biggest productivity obstacles that...

How to Streamline Your Web Design Projects

As with any project, it’s ideal to keep your web design work as efficient as possible. The less time and revision you put into a given project, the more profitable it is. Since the primary goal of most companies is to increase revenue, web design project efficiency should be at the core of your processes....

Hjärtslag för skalning av Agile: Planview Agile Program Management Bundles

Det är ingen hemlighet att Planview har varit verksamt inom projektportföljhantering i nästan 30 år. Vi känner till projektportföljhantering - de olika varianterna och mognadsmodellerna för hur portföljer utvecklas över tiden. Vad du kanske blir förvånad över att upptäcka är vår kunskap och expertis om skalning av Agile. Jag skulle vilja ta en liten...