Kraften i medarbetarfeedback & Effektiv coachning

Most millennials do about 70% of their learning on the job so it should come as no surprise that a traditional performance review isn’t nearly as effective as it once was. In fact, when done poorly, annual reviews can negatively affect performance. To satisfy your team’s need for leadership development, a personal approach and one-on-one...

Why You Should Say “Thank You” to Your Team

“Thank You”, that simple and conscious act of giving thanks and being grateful, has been proven to be very effective in cultivating a successful workplace culture and creating a positive impact on employee engagement. In fact, recent analysis conducted by Gallup shows that employees who receive recognition in the workplace show a significant increase in...

Four Ways AI & Bots Will Change Project Management

No, that’s not a tagline from some 70s sci-fi B-movie but a logical, if blunt, observation on the future of project management. And it’s not just project management that is being affected. McKinsey believe that up to $40 billion was invested in AI across all sectors in 2016, a Google engineer described their AI endeavors...

De bästa projektledningskonferenserna att se fram emot i 2019

Project management is a constant learning curve and keeping up with the latest technologies and global best practice is essential for any PM that wants to stay at the top of their game. Whether it’s learning more about a particular project management methodology, networking with peers or keeping up to date with advances in project...

Four Steps to Managing a Bad Decision

Everyone makes mistakes. But when you’re in a leadership role, the stakes are higher. Your missteps resonate across teams, and in some cases, entire organizations. Acknowledging mistakes is crucial to recovering from them—if you do it right. Once the shock subsides in the wake of a screw up, instincts kick in. You might want to...

Storbritanniens fabriksproduktion växer snabbast sedan 90-talet

En återhämtning av världsekonomin och ett svagare pund stärker tillverkningsindustrin i Storbritannien och efterfrågan på produkter är den högsta på tre decennier. Confederation of the British Industry (CBI) släppte nyligen sin senaste Industrial Trends Survey, som visar att efterfrågan inom tillverkningsindustrin har ökat kraftigt. Några av de viktigaste resultaten...

Reinventing the Wheel with Spreadsheets

For a long time, too long in fact, spreadsheets have been the primary tool that organizations use for budgeting, planning and forecasting. It has become ingrained in the DNA of how organizations function, the foundation of everyday reporting and transmission of vital information. Some teams exchange hundreds of spreadsheets every day, this is despite the...

Nio projektledningskonferenser att planera för under 2018

The best way to keep pace with the innovations in the project management industry, get acquainted with the latest tools and methodologies and find out about new trends, is by attending the project management conferences held throughout the year. Seize the opportunity to learn from the best, enhance your knowledge and skills, build networks and...

Bizarro Defect Management – Are You Neglecting Customer Happiness? 

If you’re a fan of Seinfeld, you may recall an episode where Elaine experiences an alternate reality of her circle of friends. A “Bizarro World” where polar opposites exist. Elaine meets Kevin, Gene, and Feldman who are kind, generous and lacking all the immature qualities of Jerry, George, and Kramer. For those of us who...

How On-Demand Project Financials Inform Faster, Better Decisions

It’s not easy to keep track of project costs. It’s even harder to relate them to resources, time, and budgets while projects are still ongoing. Often, we find ourselves waiting to the end of the month (or even longer) to see accurate project financials. By that time, it’s too late to make quick decisions if...