Can a Project Have Two Critical Paths and Other CP Questions

The critical path method is a common and extremely useful method for calculating the optimum order of completion of vital interdependent tasks. As projects can be large and critical paths unwieldy, a question that’s often asked of the method is can a project have two critical paths? In fact, it can have even more than...

Förbered ditt team för teknikens oförutsägbarhet

Technological advances are certainly changing everything about the way things are done in the world, whether that’s a good or bad thing is a matter of personal opinion. For project managers however, it is simply not possible to avoid incorporating technology in the workplace, just as it’s not possible to go back to smoking in...

3 Steg för att bli PMO för det agila företaget

Slutet på den traditionella projektportföljförvaltningen (PPM) är nära. Det har förutspåtts att agila program och produkthantering kommer att ersätta projektledning som det dominerande tillvägagångssättet för effektiv företagsförändring och resultat senast 2023. Vidare kommer 80 procent av organisationerna att ha ett PMO som fokuserar på att integrera produkter och program i...

Vad är en marknadsföringsanalys?

Making a business case for something involves creating a plan that will solve an issue that your organization currently faces. It basically goes along these lines: The problem/opportunity: Describing what can be changed Analysis of the solutions: A run-through of how it can be changed Recommendation: The option you believe is best to deliver the...

De viktigaste utmaningarna för projektportföljförvaltningen i företag

Large organizations often count their active projects and initiatives in the hundreds, with different departments and business units pursuing a wide variety of objectives. With so many simultaneous activities underway, it can be easy for a company’s short-term operations to fall out of alignment with its long-term goals. In order to better organize and direct...

How to Manage the Logistics Behind Project Management in Enterprise Business

Big projects involve big risks and big rewards—that’s why project managers are drawn to them. Leading an enterprise project to a successful conclusion can improve your reputation, increase your earning potential and put you in line for even more important projects in the future. A high-profile failure, on the other hand, is a career setback...

IT portfolio management: best practices

IT portfolio management is gaining importance as enterprise IT departments continue to grow in size and significance within their organizations. In addition to traditional responsibilities like managing networks, supporting user devices and maintaining websites, more and more IT departments are being tasked with developing new products and new workflows to help companies compete in the...

Imagine a World Where You Meet Your Goals

Like most disruptions, it began with a problem hiding in plain sight. We were all paying too much for eyeglasses. Then, in 2008, four graduate students, one wearing a pair of frames held together with a paperclip, decided to bring eyewear to the internet. They faced serious challenges. None of them knew anything about e-commerce,...

Fördelarna med att använda det agila tillvägagångssättet i möten

“Jack be nimble, Jack be quick…” the famous children’s rhyme explains the agile approach to management perfectly. Over the past 30 years, agile innovation methods have revolutionized the way in which a business democracy functions and has greatly increased the success rates of projects and systems. The idea is to be fast and easy—the very...

Sannolikhet vs. möjlighet i projektledning

When it comes to project management, the words probability and possibility sound phonetically similar but could not be more different. These terms are all too often considered synonyms or are confused, at the project manager’s own peril. Consequently, the designation is something every project manager should familiarize themselves with, because each impacts risk management and...