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Leading the conversation on digital connected work

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Publicerad Av Patrick Tickle

As PIPELINE 2011 — a free, Web-based product innovation conference — draws near, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting more than a few of its presenters.

Last year, we at Planview started this PIPELINE thing with the initial PIPELINE 2010 conference. We felt there was a great opportunity to leverage a virtual technology platform to bring together a critical mass of thought leaders and practitioners in the innovation and product development domain. We received great feedback on that conference and committed to this year’s installment.

Last year was a great start, but after meeting many of this year’s speakers, I can tell you that this year’s event is going to be awesome.

PIPELINE 2011 brings together more practitioners that ever before from a broad range of industries and perspectives. It starts with Nick Webb and a glimpse into his latest research on digital innovation. Later, Malcolm De Leo hits the power of social media to augment customer insight. Certainly one of the highlights will be Dr. Erez Morag from Nike Sports Research Labs on the interplay of brand and innovation when it comes to enhancing the performance of the world’s premier soccer (or football) players.

Bridging academia and industry are Anthony Di Benedetto with the PDMA and Dr. Bengt Järrehult of SCA Global. Other sessions include industry practitioners from Flowserve, Infineum, and Kimberly-Clark. Add in Kalypso and Siemens, and industry analysts Jim Brown and Chad Jackson (and that’s just to name a few!) — it’s an impressive agenda.

The content is great, the platform is innovative, the scope is global, and in case you forgot — it’s FREE. Make the time to attend PIPELINE 2011 on June 1st (or anytime the 90 days after the event – another nice benefit of that virtual platform), it will be a truly unique event.

Registration is free, and I hope to “see” you there. It’s going to be great.

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Skrivet av Patrick Tickle Chef för produkter

Patrick Tickle är ansvarig för företagets produktorganisation och leder Planview-teamet som fortsätter att leverera de mest innovativa portföljhanteringslösningarna till marknaden. Patrick har över 20 års erfarenhet av produkthantering, produktutveckling och marknadsföring inom ett brett spektrum av tekniska lösningar. Innan han började på Planview var Patrick Vice President of Marketing and Product Management på ITM Software, där han ansvarade för kategoriutveckling och produktdefinition. Han har också haft en rad olika positioner inom produktledning och marknadsföring på Terraspring, Inc. (ett företag som köper programvara för företag av Sun Microsystems), MIPS och Silicon Graphics. Han har en BS i elektroteknik från University of Notre Dame och en MBA från University of North Carolina.