Dynamic Planning: Refocus, Reprioritize, and Reallocate Rapidly

Urgency to switch to digital business is just one way organizations are responding to current disruptions, highlighting the need for dynamic planning. After a virtual meeting with 40 CEOs recently, Fortune CEO Alan Murray wrote: “Companies that previously had been slow to adopt to digital transformation now find themselves on a ‘burning platform.’” As executives...

Focus on Portfolio, not Projects, in PPM

Portfolio managers play a vital role within organizations, yet there are some myths around the role and its intrinsic value. The value of portfolio managers is often misunderstood and understated — often as a result of too much emphasis being placed on projects and execution, rather than portfolios as a whole and how they drive...

How WIP Limits Can Rescue Troubled Agile Teams

In theory, agile is an approach and mindset that helps teams respond more effectively to change, and exploit (rather than avoid) continuous feedback loops to deliver products faster, better, cheaper, and with greater customer satisfaction. What’s not to love about this? Yet in practice, many agile teams are struggling rather than thriving — and more...

3 Pages Marketers Should Take from the Business Agile Playbook

From Brexit to the novel coronavirus, there’s no end to the chaos that continually throws economies for a loop. It’s worth wondering what’s actually within business leaders’ power to help their organizations stay the course. While politics and pandemics highlight a lot of what’s not in our control, they also present opportunities for transformation and...

How Agile Teams Can Master the Art of Saying NO

Legendary investor Warren Buffet has said that the core habit that separates successful people from very successful people, is that the latter say no to almost everything. Evidently, very successful agile marketing teams are borrowing from Mr. Buffet’s playbook, because compared to their counterparts, they’re supremely talented in the art of saying no. What makes...

Better Together: Planview and Cherwell Join Forces

Partnership highlights power of Planview Portfolio Management and Cherwell ITSM to help joint customers better achieve their strategic and operational goals Like the human brain, an organization can rewire itself in response to disruptive events, creating new models for connecting strategy and delivery. There’s a renewed urgency here, and Planview is committed to helping our...

How to do Virtual PI Planning

Just like many of you, we at Planview are trying to figure out how to do PI Planning in a world that doesn’t allow in-person interactions right now. While I understand the idea of doing virtual PI Planning is daunting, I don’t think the answer is to stop planning together. From my viewpoint, planning together is more...

4 Productivity Tips for Working From Home

In recent years, business leaders and employees alike have had a lot of different things to say about working from home. From the CEO of Yahoo banning remote work to tech firms and startups championing the productivity benefits of working from home (WFH), none of it seems to matter these days. That’s because the coronavirus...

Dynamic Planning and Rapid Reprioritization: Resilience Amid Disruption

Dynamic planning has taken on new depths of meaning recently as we react to unprecedented developments on a daily and even hourly basis. At Planview, we get it: You are being forced to make quick decisions that could have long-lasting consequences for your employees, customers, and shareholders. You must apply the agility and flexibility you’ve...