Innovating with Purpose

Let’s talk about an oft-maligned buzzword…innovation. By definition, it’s “a new method, idea, product, etc.” Be honest, how difficult do you find it to innovate and truly create something new and impactful in today’s world? If you feel like you’re lagging, you are not alone. The reality is that it takes time and resources to...

How Visuals Make Complex Projects Simple

The complex, digital world of business makes us often feel like we’re being bombarded with information. By visualizing your workload, you’ll take a huge leap from complexity to simplicity. Whether you like it or not, thousands of messages demand our attention each day. In fact, the average person has between 50,000–70,000 thoughts per day. At...

The Closed-Loop Product Development Network: A Discussion on How to Get There

The Planview Horizons Annual Customer Conference recently wrapped up after three incredible days of all things Portfolio Management. A record number of Planview customers attended this year, deepening their knowledge of how they can further leverage Planview solutions while networking with others in the Planview Customer Community, and of course, having fun in Austin. At...

In the Spotlight: How Project Managers Use Tech to Reach Goals

Managing a team effectively requires the right people and the right tools. An easy rule that is hard to follow. In the spotlight this time is Maria Nordborg, Projectplace’s customer relationship manager. We discuss in this post the challenges facing project managers when it comes to retaining control over planning and project deliverables, while empowering teams...

CA World – Building bridges between development and the PMO by scaling Agile

Two weeks ago I spent three days in sunny, yet chilly Las Vegas at CA World (yes Vegas was suffering from a cold spell). CA World is the premier event for CA customers, a chance to hear what is new with CA technologies, share customer experiences and connect with product management and CA leadership on...

Five Reasons to Be Thankful for Your PMO

It is that time of the year where we reflect on what we are thankful for.  Thanksgiving comes and goes, but in my opinion, every organization can count on their Program Management Office (PMO) to get it done.  I think all organizations need to be thankful for their PMO.  Whether your PMO is made of...

You win with people: A look back at Lean Into Agile

As people entered the Fawcett Center on campus of The Ohio State University for the inaugural Lean Into Agile conference, a wall-sized picture of legendary Buckeye football coach Woody Hayes greeted us. The quote, left, could not have been better foreshadowing for the theme of the day. Michael Sahota used his opening keynote to break...

“Alright Stop, Collaborate and Listen”

Ahh, the sage words of Vanilla Ice. The man may have known little about 90s hairstyles and fashion, but he (perhaps unknowingly) nailed it when it comes to advice for the new order of IT organizations. However progressive, proactive and well-oiled we think we are, I’m going out on a limb and predicting that a...

5G and beyond – the age of full connectivity

The era of weak signals is drawing to a close. Full 5G connectivity is about to change your world of work forever. Flashback to 1973 when New York Motorola Engineer Martin Cooper made the first mobile phone call. A giant leap for mankind. Fast forward to today, and the handsets you hold are a thousand...

What do Gene Kim, Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery Have in Common? Pretty much Everything.

We are just back from the Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps Transformation Summit and, from what we can tell it more than lived up to its promotion. For three days, software development and delivery professionals availed themselves of talks, educational sessions, vendor information and networking in the beautiful Bay Area. It’s our understanding that this...