3 Things Organizations Can Do to Create an Ethos of Transformation

There’s no question that the last few years have had a tumultuous effect on businesses worldwide. Economic stimulus efforts, a global pandemic, global tensions and geopolitical issues, societal unrest – all of those events have altered how organizations bring their products, goods, and services to market. Many companies have responded to this era of intense...

7 Ways to Ensure Success When Shifting from Project to Product-Based Software Delivery 

 “The software delivery efficiency of [enterprise IT organizations] is abysmal when compared to that of digital startups or the tech giants” – Dr. Mik Kersten, Project to Product  In an age where new software companies are popping up left, right, and center, traditional enterprises are ill-equipped to compete with these fast-paced digital natives. Most are...

Build Economic Resilience by Being an Adaptable Organization

Being an adaptable organization is essential to your company’s long-term survival. Periods of economic uncertainty are one of the greatest tests of today’s business leaders. To survive, companies need to be able to confidently shift plans and funding with little time to prepare. We all know the story of Chicken Little. Sometimes, even more chaos...

7 Benefits of Connected Services Organizations

A connected services organization is one in which systems, data, work, people, and customers are integrated and aligned, in order to establish a critical link in the organizational chain that joins customer and solution value. The journey towards becoming a connected services organization is a continuum that captures and tracks progression from traditional, focused on...

The Four Types of Integration for Software Delivery: Pros and Cons 

If you’re looking to improve efficiency in your software delivery organization, a good first step is to integrate your toolchain and automate workflows.   The software delivery life cycle is complex and involves many specialists who each require specialized tools. Integration allows information to flow seamlessly from tool to tool, knitting your software delivery toolchain into...

Moving from Project to Product: A Five-Stage Journey

The way we work and organize is changing. And so is the mindset around productivity and team structure. In the traditional project-centered model, companies are organized around tasks, with each group focused on one element of a project. But greater emphasis is being placed on moving from project to product, which focuses on enabling teams...

A Day in the Life of Senior Human Resources Business Partner at Planview

Picture this: you have accepted a job offer from your dream company. It is your first day and you are excited yet nervous to start your new journey. You have a ton of questions before you can even get started, but who do you direct your questions to? The People Team (also known as Human...

3 Types of Business Transformation for Surviving Rapid Change

How can businesses stay relevant, prepare for future change, and survive in our rapidly changing world? Through transformation.  Understanding the three different types of business transformation will help you choose the right transformation for your organization. Although business transformation is complex, its impact isn’t: Research from McKinsey clearly shows that the more transformation actions a...

Successful Software Implementation: How to Maximize Value and Outcomes

Successful software implementation requires more than buying new software and training people how to use it. Yet, all too often, organizations focus so much on standing up the solution that they lose sight of all the elements needed for success. As a result, many fail to maximize the return on their investment in the software....

Dynamic Planning in the Face of Uncertainty

We thought we knew about uncertainty. Market disruptions by startups; sure. Shifting consumer behaviors? Part of the job. But then the pandemic happened, creating a domino effect of disruptions that we are learning to accept as part of daily life. The only thing certain about our futures, it seems, is that we have an extremely...