Produits & Outils

Planview fournit des solutions qui aident les organisations à réaliser leur potentiel de ressources. Nos solutions couvrent la gestion des portefeuilles et des ressources, la planification stratégique, la collaboration au travail et l'architecture d'entreprise. Explorez la catégorie des produits pour en savoir plus sur les produits Planview : Planview Enterprise, Innotas, Troux, et Projectplace. Vous pouvez également explorer les dernières versions de nos produits et apprendre comment ils peuvent aider votre organisation à améliorer l'utilisation des ressources, à accélérer la mise sur le marché et à augmenter la productivité. Faites la part des choses avec nos conseils de bon sens pour stimuler la croissance et l'innovation grâce à la planification stratégique. Vous apprendrez également comment notre équipe évolue constamment et conçoit des produits pour répondre à vos besoins les plus pressants. Notre objectif est clairement de prendre en charge la complexité de votre organisation afin que vous puissiez facilement aligner les programmes et les projets sur vos objectifs stratégiques et suivre les progrès réalisés par rapport aux données de référence.

The Power of Selective Syncing Combined with Software Lifecycle Analytics

A common challenge we come across is that while you may want to send all data from your DevOps or Event-based tools to a database for analysis, you don’t want to have all of those same events synchronized across your software lifecycle tools. Selectively syncing the events within your DevOps tools allows you to have...

Blueprint Guest Blog: Improving Accuracy On Large-Scale Agile Projects

Defining complete, accurate software requirements has long challenged organizations, and those challenges have grown exponentially, particularly in large organizations delivering sizeable projects in complex environments. The business environment has become increasingly urgent as new customer demands compel organizations to innovate quickly to capitalize on fleeting opportunities. Business needs IT to deliver faster than ever. At...

The Power of Scaling Agile While Maintaining Control

Delivering high-quality software stresses most IT organizations. Software operates in complex technical environments, complicating analysis and design. Teams are diverse and distributed, challenging collaboration and development of shared understanding. And outdated processes and independent development tools tend to silo business analysts, designers, developers, and testers, adding overhead to what CIOs wish could be an efficient...

Intégrations bien faites : Innotas et Dell Boomi s'engagent à assurer des intégrations de systèmes sans faille

Nous sommes ravis de renouveler notre partenariat avec Dell Boomi pour assurer le succès continu de nos services d'intégration. Au cours des sept dernières années, Innotas s'est associé à Dell Boomi, la première plateforme d'intégration en tant que service (iPaaS) du secteur, pour simplifier l'intégration entre les systèmes d'entreprise des clients et nos solutions de gestion de portefeuille en nuage. Depuis notre partenariat avec Boomi, nous...

Connecting Microsoft TFS, Visual Studio Online and ServiceNow

I’m very excited to share this video with Tasktop followers, partially because I’ve been promising it for upwards of 3 months (Tom, Sam, and Will: sorry for the delays), and partially because this has been an interesting integration case that customers are asking for more and more. Conceptually, large companies are having to deal with...

Tasktop 3.6 released: IBM DOORS, Jama, integrating things

Nothing catches the technologist’s eye like an elegantly designed gadget, with software and hardware flowing together in design harmony. The trouble is that traditionally, the way we build software and the way we build physical things have had very separate lifecycles. The V-Model of systems engineering provides the predictability needed to assemble little things into...

Connecting ServiceNow to Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server (TFS)

One of the neat things about being so focused on SLI and DevOps integration in its various incarnations for the past decade stemming back to Mik’s PhD thesis is that we’ve seen more than nearly any other company in what it takes to be successful in making DevOps in the enterprise a reality. Note that...

Connecting BlueMix to the world

Over the last 6 months IBM has been heavily promoting BlueMix, the IBM cloud delivery platform based on IBM’s open cloud architecture and Cloud Foundry. The platform is heavily aimed at developers, promoting the ability to rapidly deliver applications to the IBM cloud by leveraging auto provisioning,  development frameworks and a very cool web IDE....

First look: Tasktop Sync Integrates Visual Studio Online with popular DevOps Tools

I’m excited about returning to TechEd for the first time in 3 years.  In 2011, I attended my first TechEd in Atlanta.  It was an exciting time for Tasktop; we had just announced Visual Studio support for Tasktop Dev and were a couple months away from announcing Tasktop Sync, our flagship integration hub for the...