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Gestion de l'innovation

Planview IdeaPlace améliore la flexibilité de la plateforme pour prendre en charge une variété toujours plus grande de cas d'utilisation

Publié le Par Blogueur invité

It doesn’t matter if you’re the most valuable company on the market or a new startup, companies are always changing and adapting to market conditions.

Over the last 11 years, to meet those ever changing needs, we’ve seen crowdsourced innovation evolve into a key component in corporate strategies.

Companies are leveraging crowdsourced innovation to achieve a number of business goals, including:

  • Créer une culture de l'innovation
  • Improving internal processes
  • Engagement collaborateur
  • Developing new products and services
  • Eliminating silos and creating more collaboration

The list goes on.

With the many use cases for crowdsourced innovation, a greater demand for flexibility is required for innovation management software solutions to ensure companies succeed no matter what they’re using it for. Whether it’s transforming culture or surfacing new products, they should be able to accomplish their goals using one flexible platform without having to purchase separate modules or packages.

With that in mind, Planview IdeaPlace recently announced advancements to its platform to continue expanding how the technology can be used.

Let’s take a closer look.

Flexibility to support specific market needs

Engagement in an innovation program is crucial for success. In order to sustain the engagement necessary to see positive outcomes, it requires a variety of techniques and approaches.

The latest updates to the Planview IdeaPlace platform offer increased flexibility through new innovation challenge configurations to support additional use cases. Best of all, this is all within one solution. No need for separate technologies, which ultimately frees up more time to divote to other areas such as idea development or launching more innovation challenges, and reduces the headache of having to learn multiple solutions.

Here are the three additions that add even more flexibility to the Planview IdeaPlace platform.

Q&A Community

IdeaPlace’s new Q&A community capability enables companies to harness institutional knowledge by creating online communities in which employees can ask and answer questions. Through this process, organizations can build a searchable database of answers that can be accessed whenever, wherever.

One Planview IdeaPlace customer in the manufacturing industry, for example, created an internal site where employees can ask questions ranging from deep technical product questions to general questions about the company.

Internal Q&A communities are invaluable, especially when you have a workforce that’s distributed across the globe.

1/1 Engagement

At times, a company may want to limit what participants can see during an innovation challenge. For example, challenges with IP restricted questions. Or maybe it’s a challenge that’s asking for nominations for an award – naturally you’d want to keep the ballot closed to remove bias.

To meet this need, Planview IdeaPlace released a enhanced challenge configuration that enables companies to easily restrict visibility between participants when needed. This opens up even more innovation challenge possibilities.

External/Public challenges

More and more, organizations are adopting external innovation. From BMW to the US Air Force, tapping into the collective intelligence of the general public certainly has its benefits.

With external innovation in mind, Planview IdeaPlace is extending its authentication methods by including Social Sign On to make the user sign-in process smoother and more streamlined. This is especially valuable when engaging with a public audience.

Social Login will allow participants to create accounts and authenticate with key social account providers including Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Microsoft.

Dernières réflexions

Every company leverages crowdsourced innovation differently based on their immediate needs and long-term goals.

However, as with anything, change happens. Goals change. Needs change. The market changes.

It’s critical that companies who leverage crowdsourced innovation have an innovation management software solution that has the flexibility to meet their needs now and far into the future as their efforts scale.

With the additions to the Planview IdeaPlace platform, the amount of flexibility customers have at their disposal is unrivaled.

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