Mik Kersten
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Mik Kersten

Mik Kersten a commencé sa carrière en tant que chercheur scientifique chez Xerox PARC où il a créé le premier environnement de développement orienté aspect. Il a ensuite été le pionnier de l'intégration des outils de développement avec Agile et DevOps dans le cadre de son doctorat en informatique à l'Université de Colombie-Britannique. En fondant Tasktop à partir de cette recherche, Mik a écrit plus d'un million de lignes de code open source qui sont toujours utilisées aujourd'hui, et il a mis sur le marché sept produits open source et commerciaux réussis. L'expérience de Mik dans le cadre de certaines des plus grandes transformations numériques au monde l'a amené à identifier la déconnexion critique entre les chefs d'entreprise et les technologues. Depuis lors, Mik travaille à la création de nouveaux outils et d'un nouveau cadre - le Flow Framework™ - pour connecter les réseaux de flux de valeur des logiciels et permettre le passage du projet au produit. Mik vit avec sa famille à Vancouver, au Canada, et voyage dans le monde entier, partageant sa vision de la transformation de la façon dont les logiciels sont construits. Il est l'auteur de Project To Product, un livre qui aide les organisations informatiques à survivre et à prospérer dans l'ère du logiciel.

Tasktop 3.6 released: IBM DOORS, Jama, integrating things

Nothing catches the technologist’s eye like an elegantly designed gadget, with software and hardware flowing together in design harmony. The trouble is that traditionally, the way we build software and the way we build physical things have had very separate lifecycles. The V-Model of systems engineering provides the predictability needed to assemble little things into...

Tasktop Sync 3.5 released: VersionOne, Zendesk, links get sync

We’re at the ALM Forum this week, where the hot topic is how to scale Agile and DevOps deployments.  What Scott Ambler made clear in his opening keynote is that there isn’t a single Agile best practice that spans the various sizes, domains, business processes that we find across organizations. While the practices and vendor...

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Tasktop Sync 3.0 released, service desks get support

Open source projects have it good. Their issue tracker serves as the single system of record for all development, support, quality management and planning activity. The result is a theoretical ideal in terms of a connected software lifecycle. For example, every vote that a user makes for a particular bug is immediately visible to developers....

Tasktop 2.8 released, Serena partnership announced, death to timesheets

Filling out time sheets is about as fulfilling as doing taxes. This mind-numbing activity is an interesting symptom of what’s broken with the way we deliver software today. What’s worse than the time wasted filling them out is the fact that the numbers we fill out are largely fictitious, as we have no hope of...

Tasktop Sync OEM’d by IBM, RTC users get connected

Today the IBM Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Tasktop Edition appeared on the IBM price list. This OEM version of Tasktop Sync makes the technology broadly available to IBM clients using Rational Team Concert (RTC), who can now get all of the benefits of Tasktop Sync’s real-time and collaboration-centric ALM integration infrastructure. This helps IBM clients...

Submission deadline for Agile ALM Connect at EclipseCon 2012

This Friday is the submission deadline for the Agile ALM Connect sub-conference of EclipseCon. This new conference fills a gap that many of us have noticed in the conversation around Agile, ALM and developers. The “developers” part of the equation is often either missing or an afterthought. Even though developers were the root cause of...

Eclipse Mylyn 3.6 lights up Indigo, puts an end to faceless builds

Yesterday’s Eclipse Indigo release delivered a year’s worth of improvements on what has become the de facto IDE platform for Java and beyond. The Java package has seen major additions, including the WindowBuilder tool that originated from Instantiations and the m2e plug-in that eases Maven-based builds. EGit 1.0 is an essential tool for the growing...

Proposal to move Hudson to Eclipse

Some of the most successful open source projects have histories that transcend organizational boundaries. My first experience with this was AspectJ, which we launched as an independent open source portal out of Xerox PARC in 2000. In 2003 our DARPA funding dried up, but the user community was still growing. We moved the project to...