The nature of event management involves lots of moving parts: dates, people, deliverables, activities, deadlines, and more deadlines. Trying to keep track of everything can be complicated and challenging. How do you ensure what you need to have done is getting done by the people you are counting on to get it done within the time you need it done? Do you have confidence in your processes and systems, or are they letting you down?
If you’re finding yourself in an event management quagmire—where you’re constantly digging yourself out of action items, follow-ups, and due dates—then you might want to reevaluate how you’re spending your time and energy. Collaborative work management just might be the perfect solution.
The Bright Side of Event Management
Collaborative work management simplifies the process of event planning. It takes all the moving parts and brings them together in one centralized, organized, collective location. Imagine being able to see exactly what everyone is working on, along with the status and progress of each assignment or task, whenever you need to… Whether you’re managing one event at a time or juggling several at once, a collaborative work management solution will keep you on top of your plan.
Planview ProjectPlace is a perfect companion when it comes to:
- Organizing: Utilize an event planning workspace to capture everything pertaining to your event. With Kanban boards and cards, you can setup a custom structure to identify each action and step in the process—what needs to be done when and by who. Deadlines and progress can then be further organized in a Gantt Chart, which helps you visualize overlapping projects and deadlines. And, a built-in event planning template will walk you through the various components, so you won’t miss anything along the way.
- Communicating: No need to rely on email. Communicate and collaborate with your entire team right from the workspace. In addition, the document management and sharing capabilities make certain all your event files contain the most up-to-date versions and are readily accessible for everyone that needs them.
- Assigning and Tracking: Task management is seamless within a collaborative work management structure. You can easily assign action items with due dates, provide direction, and receive feedback and updates by using the Kanban board cards.The cards are organized in columns by specific categories, with each column representing a different stage in the process (ex: New; In Progress; In Review; Completed). The cards can be moved from column to column as the status of the item changes… This way everyone has visibility into what stage a specific item is in, what progress is being made, what has been finished, and what still needs to be done.
Event planning can be rather stressful as it is—you want it to be successful and for all those involved to walk away with a great experience. You don’t want to add to this stress by having too many disjointed collaboration tools. Rest easy knowing everyone and everything is up-to-date on information that is stored in one place. That way, you can simply enjoy the after party.
To learn how ProjectPlace can benefit each department in your organization, check out the following use-case blogs, covering: Public Relations, Human Resources, Blog Management, Cross-Department Communication, Demand Generation Marketing, Event Management, Digital Marketing, Customer Renewals, RFP Project Planning, Sales Team Collaboration, Customer Experience, Solutions Marketing, and Sales Project Management.
Check out the Planview Blog to learn more about uses of CWM, and sign up for your free ProjectPlace trial today. Comment below with the template you found most helpful during the trial.