You are using a project management software that you like and find useful. But you find that you also use other tools or that you would like to work in a slightly different way or that you have different demands from the stakeholders. You feel certain that a lot of people must have the same need in their project.
How can you influence the development of Projectplace, make sure your needs are understood and get feedback on what our plans are? The best place for this is ProjectPlace Ideas where we collect feedback from our users and let you know how we think about the highest ranking ideas.
It’s vital that you vote on the ideas you like, we discuss ideas based on ranking and if an idea has no votes it is unlikely that we will discuss it in one of the forums where we discuss improvements and development.
Each release this year has included development inspired by feedback at ProjectPlace Ideas. Thank you to all of you wonderful engaged people who have posted ideas and comments and in many cases also been involved in the actual development through testing and design feedback. Last year in December 8% of the ideas on ProjectPlace Ideas had status implemented. This year it’s 10% so far (or 90 out of 893) and in December we are hopefully releasing more stuff that comes from Ideas.
We are also planning on introducing a new sign up for those of you who want to be more actively involved in our development. The working name for this section right now is ProjectPlace Advisors. You will be able to sign up and create a profile there and have a chance to see design proposals and interaction proposals for new development.
So please keep engaging:) and remember that if you’re signed in when you leave your comments and vote you can follow the idea to make sure you don’t miss any new comments or a status change.