DevOps Teams

Browse curated reading for DevOps professionals.

Tasktop 4.4 Released: Identity and Traceability across the DevOps Pipeline

At last week’s DevOps Enterprise Summit we got to hear how industry leaders are transforming the way that software is built.  Most speakers told stories of automating the build, release or continuous delivery pipeline, and the cultural transformation that followed. One talk stood out from all the others because it described a transformation that went...

Summertime and the Integration is Easy

There is a saying that the only things you can be certain of in life are death and taxes. At Tasktop there is another certainty, every three months we release software. Our regular delivery cadence has become a heartbeat for Tasktop, delivering innovation in regular, consumable chunks.  And today, July 28th 2015 we announced the next release of...

IEEE DevOps Unleashed calls for a holistic approach to DevOps

Austin is famous for many things, but in the tech community South By Southwest (SXSW) has emerged as one of the go to events for technical innovation. SXSW is considered to be the launch pad for getting the word out on many great ideas. So, when I was asked to speak at IEEE DevOps Unleashed...

Premium grade fuel for software lifecycle analytics engines

I’ve long taken inspiration from Peter Drucker’s caution that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Technological progress has been punctuated by advances in measurement, ranging from Galileo’s telescope to Intel’s obsession with nanometers. Our industry is starting to go through a profound transformation in measuring how software is built, but only after...

What do Gene Kim, Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery Have in Common? Pretty much Everything.

We are just back from the Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps Transformation Summit and, from what we can tell it more than lived up to its promotion. For three days, software development and delivery professionals availed themselves of talks, educational sessions, vendor information and networking in the beautiful Bay Area. It’s our understanding that this...

New Tasktop Data product launched with Tasktop 4.0, unlocks Agile, ALM and DevOps

From Galileo’s telescope to the scanning electron microscope, scientific progress has been punctuated by the technology that enabled new forms of measurement. Yet in the discipline of software delivery, robust measurement has been elusive. When I set out on a mission to double developer productivity, I ended up spending a good portion of my PhD...

Connecting Microsoft TFS, Visual Studio Online and ServiceNow

I’m very excited to share this video with Tasktop followers, partially because I’ve been promising it for upwards of 3 months (Tom, Sam, and Will: sorry for the delays), and partially because this has been an interesting integration case that customers are asking for more and more. Conceptually, large companies are having to deal with...

Connecting BlueMix to the world

Over the last 6 months IBM has been heavily promoting BlueMix, the IBM cloud delivery platform based on IBM’s open cloud architecture and Cloud Foundry. The platform is heavily aimed at developers, promoting the ability to rapidly deliver applications to the IBM cloud by leveraging auto provisioning,  development frameworks and a very cool web IDE....