Vision och trender

På Planview är vår vision enkel: att hjälpa organisationer att förverkliga sin resurspotential. Kategorin Visioner och trender inom PPM handlar om tankeledarskap. Läs om vad Planviews tankeledare säger om marknaden för arbets- och resurshantering i förhållande till PPM, arbetssamarbete och företagsarkitektur. Vi kommer också att ge information om branschnyheter, trender och företagsstyrning. Vare sig du vill ha en smygtitt på vårt produktsortiment eller är nyfiken på vår senaste innovation, innehåller Visions and Trends ett brett utbud av information. Vi hjälper dig att få grepp om det föränderliga landskapet och hur du bättre kan förstå de krafter som verkar och hur snabbt störningarna sker. Vi kan även hjälpa dig att omvärdera hur du ska angripa dina svåraste resursutmaningar och hur du ska hålla dig uppdaterad om nya certifieringar.  

Story Points and Flow Metrics: What’s the Difference?

Ron Jeffries, who helped coin the concept of story points back in the 2000s, said recently that he “deplore[s] their misuse.” In the early days of story points, developers “really only used the points to decide how much work to take into an iteration,” says Jeffries. But some organizations expanded their use, using story points...

Value Stream Management for CIOs: Maturing Technology at the Pace of the Business

The best-performing businesses are customer-obsessed — and it’s paying off. That’s according to research shared by Bobby Cameron, a Vice President and Principal Analyst serving CIOs at Forrester®. Technology is transforming in parallel with a firm’s level of customer obsession because traditional approaches to running IT simply can’t keep up with the rapid pace of...

OKRs Examples for Software Companies

Introduction Objective and Key Results (OKRs) were first implemented by Andy Grove at Intel in the 1970s. John Doerr, who had worked at Intel, brought OKRs to Google in 1999, where they helped fuel massive growth and raise employee morale. Since then, OKRs have become the choice goal-setting method for digital natives and traditional businesses...

4 Sätt att optimera OKRs

While OKRs are a popular framework for organizations trying to accelerate their digital transformations, traditional enterprises often face challenges when they try to translate their strategic high-level objectives into key results. Last week, Dr. Mik Kersten and Felipe Castro addressed these challenges head-on during a webinar on Transformative OKRs: Translating Business Strategy into Measurable Outcomes....

When it Comes to Transformation, It’s OK to Break the Rules

Digital transformations often start with some common rules of thumb: “Start small.” “Lift and shift workloads to the Cloud.” “Create a proof of concept for your Agile initiatives, and then scale.” But in one of my favorite talks from DOES Europe 2022, Pieter Jordaan, CTO at TUI Group, describes how they accelerated their digital transformation...

3 Ways to Engage and Accelerate IT with OKRs and Value Stream Management

TIAA, a Fortune 100 financial services organization, manages investments for more than six million clients, totalling more than 1.3 trillion dollars. According to Darrell Fernandes, the Head of Product Technology, the company’s success boils down to its operational strength — an area which Darrell is continuously improving. In Episode 43 of the Mik + One...

The 7 Dimensions of a Project-to-Product Transformation

Our recently published Project to Product Maturity Assessment gives organizations a framework to assess the progress of this massive undertaking. By answering seven easy multiple-choice questions, they find out where they are in their journey and get recommendations on how to advance.  As we started collecting responses, we realized how lucky we are to have...

6 Utmaningar för agil omvandling för ledare efter en pandemi

På vissa sätt har de senaste åren känts som en evighet - på andra sätt känns det som om vi precis ringde in 2020 fulla av förväntan och hopp. En sak har blivit tydlig för organisationer i denna pandemiska era - förändring är svårt, och om du inte har en omvandlingsplan är det mer sannolikt att du...

You say tomato, I say tomahto: The common language of value streams 

At the root of the discipline of value stream management is a common language that brings business and technology leaders together.  After all, the only way to deliver value to customers is to make sure everyone involved understands what value is and how it’s measured. Keeping teams on the same page requires everyone to understand...

Organizational design in the shift from project to product: Getting it right for platform teams

Three layers of products. Two very different levels of investment. “The biggest organizations in the world are pivoting to a product-centric operating model,” opens Charles Betz, Principal Analyst at Forrester, on a recent webinar. But with product structures emerging as the primary operating model, new challenges are emerging in technical product management. While newly-formed product...