Produkter & Verktyg

Planview levererar lösningar som hjälper organisationer att utnyttja sin resurspotential. Våra lösningar omfattar portfölj- och resurshantering, strategisk planering, arbetssamarbete och företagsarkitektur. Utforska produktkategorin för att lära dig mer om Planviews produkter: Planview Enterprise, Innotas, Troux och Projectplace. Du kan också utforska våra senaste produktversioner och ta reda på hur de kan hjälpa din organisation att förbättra resursutnyttjandet, påskynda marknadsintroduktionen och öka produktiviteten. Ta dig igenom bruset med våra tips för sunt förnuft för att driva tillväxt och innovation med hjälp av strategisk planering. Du får också veta hur vårt team ständigt utvecklas och utformar produkter för att tillgodose dina mest angelägna behov. Vårt fokus ligger helt klart på att stödja komplexiteten i din organisation så att du enkelt kan anpassa program och projekt till dina strategiska mål och spåra framstegen mot baslinjer.

Interview on ALM getting a bad name, how Agile and open source are changing that

Here is a short interview from The Server Side conference, with Jan Stafford of Software Quality Insights, on how ALM got a bad name from heavyweight methodologies like RUP, and why the move to Agile, open source and developer-centric tools is changing that. Yes, I am in fact holding an invisible crystal ball, which is...

Integrating Mylyn into your Git workflow

I januari träffades de flesta av EGit-kommittenterna på "EGit Summit" i Walldorf, Tyskland. Vi hade roligt att umgås, planera den framtida inriktningen för EGit/JGit och implementera nya funktioner. Tack återigen till SAP-teamet för att de stod som värd för evenemanget. Som ni kan se på whiteboarden fanns det många idéer som föreslogs av...

Optimize Your Workday with Tasktop and the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse

The new 2.0 release of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse provides the latest and most complete access to Atlassian’s development and collaboration tools from within the Eclipse IDE. This provides developers with an integrated platform for managing issues, source code, builds, and code reviews. Combining the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse with Tasktop Pro delivers a...

Mylyn Atlassian JIRA Connector Moving

The Mylyn JIRA Connector has been developed as part of the Eclipse Mylyn project since 2006 (Bug 109905), when Wesley Coelho and I met in a Vancouver coffee shop and decided to start collaborating on an idea for a startup that involved extending Mylyn’s open source integrations to commercial tools. A year later Wesley became...

Tasktop and VersionOne team up on Eclipse Mylyn integration for Agile teams

Today marks the start of a major extension of Eclipse and Mylyn’s reach into Agile project management. We’re very pleased to announce a partnership with VersionOne to develop an Eclipse Mylyn connector for VersionOne’s Agile planning and project management platform. The Planview Certified VersionOne Connector will be included in Tasktop Pro and available as a...

Eclipse ecosystem: Open discourse at the risk of open conflict

Open discourse brings conflicts out from behind closed doors. A while back I was involved with an open source conflict that degraded technical discussions to power struggles. I looked to Bjorn Freeman-Benson and Mike Milinkovich the help resolve that conflict. This week, countless eyes were peeled on Planet Eclipse as a very public conflict arose...

How-to: task-focused programming

Applies to:  Tasktop Pro or Eclipse Mylyn Level:  Beginner Summary:    Learn how to focus your Java programming efforts with Tasktop, increasing your personal productivity  Which files was I working with before lunch? In the course of a day of programming developers often work on many tasks, where each task involves a different set of...

Tasktop Dev how-to: Create tasks with style

Applies to: Tasktop Dev Pro, Tasktop Dev Starter, and Mylyn Level: Intermediate Summary: Learn how to create tasks with good style, speeding your personal workflow and facilitating collaboration Tasks are a vehicle for communication. Tasks that you create may be completed by others, and next month you might resume tasks that you create today. Whether communicating with...