Resurshantering & Vad det betyder för ditt team

Your resources are whatever is needed to complete a project, including people, finances, technology, physical space and time. Resource management is thus planning the usage of those resources in such a way that will guarantee project success. While it may be common enough to give individual employees license to manage their own time better, managing...

Varför 2018 är ett utmärkt år att starta företag i Storbritannien

Trots de många problem som är förknippade med den kommande brexit och Storbritanniens utträde ur det mäktiga handelsblocket Europeiska unionen, ser det fortfarande mycket lovande ut för dem som funderar på att starta ett företag i Storbritannien. Ett utmärkt exempel på detta är att landet nu har 5.7 miljoner småföretag, en...

Tried & True Strategies for Improving Employee Engagement

Having all your employees checking in on time does not necessarily mean that your team is working at full capacity. While not necessarily a new phenomenon, employee disengagement and “presenteeism”, the idea that someone is physically at work though their focus is absent, is estimated to cost businesses in the US up to $150 billion...

Delegation: A How-To Guide

Task delegation has the ability to be truly transformative to the way we work and how our organizations function, yet all too often it is ourselves that get in the way. This can be for any number of reasons, such as: A fear of losing control over tasks Believing that you would do the task...

Vad projektledare behöver veta om cybersäkerhet

Because companies are often segmented into departments based on discipline, it’s easy to assume that the IT department bears sole responsibility for cyber safety on a company-wide scale. Unfortunately, IT specialists aren’t the only ones logging into systems and utilizing networks. Every employee bears some level of responsibility for cyber security in this day and...

Tio kortkurser i projektledning i Storbritannien

Projektledning i Storbritannien blir en alltmer eftertraktad och svårbesatt tjänst. Med osäkerheten kring Brexit, möjligheten att miljontals EU-medborgare lämnar landet och den massiva kompetensbristen som redan har visat sig har det aldrig varit en bättre tid att börja arbeta inom branschen. För att få in en fot på...

Auktoritär kontra deltagande projektledning: Fördelar och nackdelar

When working on a team project, it helps to be aware of how different leadership styles can affect the overall group dynamic. Some teams may find authoritarian leadership more helpful, while others may prefer a more collaborative approach. To figure out which style of management is best for your team, read about the key differences...

Bästa engelska universitet för projektledning

England är ett historiskt land med många prestigefyllda universitet som riktar sig till näringslivet. När vetenskaps- och teknikbranscherna utvecklas med nya spännande projekt ökar behovet av en yrkeskår som kan hantera allt. Projektledning är på väg att bli en central punkt i näringslivet och universiteten reagerar på detta...

The Six Best Courses for Project Managers Looking to Upskill

The world of project management is constantly changing as organizations look to build capability and capacity through the use of improved project management tools and introducing industry best practices. Due to this evolutionary environment, a project manager that wants to stay at the top of their game needs to be willing to upskill wherever possible...

An Overview of Kotter’s 8 Steps of Change Management

While countless tools, tactics, methods and strategies have changed over the years, nearly two decades after its introduction in 1996, organizations of all sizes continue to rely upon Dr. John Kotter’s 8-step process for Change Management. Given its prominence, value and, frankly, its remarkable durability in a rapidly shifting business world, we thought it would...