Project Managers: How to Deal with Dreaded Scope Creep

While time-honored business principles are useful, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, sometimes it’s not a good idea to “under-promise and over-deliver.” And while “praising loudly and blaming quietly” is good advice, there are situations where this doesn’t apply. And then there’s another slice of wisdom that is so deeply rooted in business...

Viktiga mätvärden för projektresultat

How do you know if your project is succeeding or failing? To those outside the world of project management, this might seem like an unnecessary question, but project managers understand that the line between success and failure is not always easy to see. The larger the project, the more difficult it becomes to get a...

Hur man identifierar projektets mål

The goal of a project, i.e. its overall purpose, is reached by achieving certain objectives. So, for a project manager, knowing how to identify project objectives and making them applicable for your team is essential for keeping the project on track and eventually achieving a successful result. At the beginning or planning phase of any...

What’s the Difference Between Program, Product and Project Managers?

Program manager, product manager and project manager are familiar terms to people in almost every industry, but what sets them apart from each other? It’s a common question, and an important one, especially if you are just entering the world of program in project management. Understanding the distinctions between these roles can help you navigate...

PMO Spotlight - Aaron Nicholl

Välkommen till Planview AdaptiveWorks bloggserie PMO Spotlight. Dessa artiklar i intervjustil strävar efter att lyfta fram enskilda projektledare, deras bakgrund, strategier och erfarenheter som formar användningen av vår produkt.  I den här artikeln presenteras Aaron Nicholl, direktör för ePMO på Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). Kan du berätta lite om bakgrunden?

Fighting Pandemic Fatigue by Safely Experimenting With Engineering Team Structures

In this fourth installment of our Tasty Dog Food Series, we continue to share stories of how we at Tasktop are using our own product, Planview Viz™, to boost our growth and happiness. Planview Viz is a value stream management solution that measures and optimizes the flow of business value in software delivery organizations.  This...

The Transformation Journey: Lessons Learned

De flesta organisationer befinner sig på någon form av förändringsresa, även Planview. Det kan vara en utmaning att utvidga agila metoder till att omfatta fler än IT- och utvecklingsteam. Planview har åtagit sig att hjälpa våra kunder med denna övergång och därför presenterade jag och Patrick Tickle, Chief Product Officer, nyligen ett webbseminarium om "Leading an Agile Transformation"....

How We Built the Case for Application Replatforming Using Flow Metrics

In this third installment of our Tasty Dog Food Series, we continue to share stories of how we’re using our own product, Planview Viz™, internally to boost our growth and happiness. This time, I spoke to Jeff McCollum, our Product Value Stream Lead for Planview Hub, who told me how he used Planview Viz and...

Osäkerhet i näringslivet: Dagens utmaningar för att anpassa sig till förändringar

Osäkerheten i näringslivet ökar, vilket beror på snabba förändringar, störningar, okända faktorer och annat. Problemet är att osäkerheten i dag behandlas som en anomali - en engångshändelse som måste övervinnas - i stället för som en konstant faktor. Detta är ämnet som jag tog upp i ett nyligen genomfört webbseminarium med gästtalare Peggy Lawless, grundare och VD för Lawless Research. Vi...

DevOps Enterprise Summit, Europe 2021: Leadership and OKRs

The European leg of the DevOps Enterprise (Virtual) Summit 2021 returned last week (17-20 May) as the community reflected on a year like none other. Set against the backdrop of “the largest economical crisis in a century and largest health crisis in a lifetime”, as Gene Kim emphasized in his introduction, DOES has never felt...