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Mylyn Best Practices in Bite-Sized Chunks

Publicerad By Tasktop Blogger
Mylyn Best Practices in Bite-Sized Chunks

Over the past year I’ve been working closely with those in the Tasktop and Mylyn community at large to define best practices for task-focused programming and collaboration. My goal has been to share what I’ve learned about how the leaders in task management use Tasktop and Mylyn to collaborate effectively. To this end, I’ve created several articles on the major task management topics. My focus on major topics is necessary to communicate the full task management vision, but it also results in longer, more intense in-depth posts.


I’ve found the perfect companion series to my in-depth best practices posts. Marc Esher, a thought leader in the Eclipse and Cold Fusion community has been creating an outstanding series of articles on Mylyn best practices in short, bite-sized posts. His content includes great text and often includes a video walkthrough of the feature or concept that he is focusing on. Next coffee break skip the walk (or drive) to Starbucks, grab a home-brewed cup, and spend 5 minutes with one of Marc’s posts. You’ll save a few dollars and your new-found Mylyn knowledge could save you a few minutes (each day!). Here are Marc’s Mylyn posts to date:

  1. Why Mylyn is Indispensible
  2. The Best Eclipse Menu You’ve Never Heard Of
  3. Mylyn and Jira Short Tutorial
  4. Mylyn and Jira Sharing Context
  5. Mylyn Creating New Issues

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