Winning in an Uncertain World

40% to 75% of New Products Fail — How to Improve Your Odds of Winning! Innovation and new product development are risky. 40% to 75% of new products fail. This is not because people make dumb decisions; it’s the nature of things when you face an uncertain future. Think about it. If you could consistently produce...

Bringing Kanban to the Federal Market Space

As citizens and taxpayers, I’m sure we all like to see our governments working to become more efficient and effective. And here at Planview AgilePlace, we’re obviously pretty bought-in to the idea that applying Lean-Agile to an organization’s operations can bring dramatic productivity improvements. So, we’ve been excited this past year to see strong signs that people...

Efficient Frontiers and Productivity Rankings in Project Prioritization – Enrich Consulting

Will the real efficient frontier please stand up? Each year, we attend many conferences focused on the themes of new product development, innovation, and portfolio management. One of my biggest pet peeves at these conferences arises when speakers discussing project prioritization present a scatter chart with individual projects cumulatively plotted in descending order of bang-for-the-buck...

Contextual Task Management

Some of the best project managers seem to have an uncanny sense of what needs to be completed by whom. If you sit in a meeting with these types, they instantly recall what activities those in the room are performing, what questions need answering, and what next steps are required. Whether interacting with individuals or...

Pump up your PMO with Project Portfolio Management

By: Joerg Koehler, Director of Marketing at Innotas According to a recent report from PM Solutions (The State of the PMO 2012), the sheer number of PMOs and their power within an organization has risen dramatically since 2000. 87% of all surveyed companies and organizations (large and small) have a PMO in place in 2012....

JIRA and Innotas Integration – Common Questions

By: Tim Madewell, SVP Services at Innotas We’ve received a bunch of questions about our JIRA integration in response to our recent partnership announcement and our webinar with Kyle Miller from JIRA/Atlassian. Question #1: In the integration, where is request management handled? If you’re getting requests from both JIRA and Innotas, where are they managed?...

How Structured is Your Capital Planning Process?

I had the opportunity to interview Madison Laird, Executive in Residence at Planview, about some of the findings and nuggets from the State of Capital Planning Study. Madison shared some of his thoughts about portfolio management and long range financial planning which have been shaped by his career at companies like Cisco, Marimba and IBM....

Handling Groups whose Problems are Giving you Problems

Introduction by Planview AgilePlace COO Jon Terry We know — we geek out a lot about people using us for construction, or manufacturing, or logistics, or auto repair, or talent management or whatever. Our business at Planview AgilePlace really has spread quite a bit beyond our software development management roots by now. But, we still recognize that our...

Reach More Customers with a Virtual Product Launch Event

Planview just finished our 2012 Product Expo introducing Planview Enterprise 10.4 – and we did it virtually. Here’s what we have found to be great about a virtual product launch event: We are able to get more customers and prospects to attend at a global level. They can participate from their office – all they...

File Attachments for Kanban Boards

Well, we finally did it. Planview AgilePlace now has file attachments. When we first started out, our corporate clients were a little leery of this whole SaaS thingy. They weren’t too sure if they liked their sticky notes being online instead of being on a wall, safely in the office. But they told us they definitely didn’t...