What do your stakeholders need to know about your project?

Of all the things a project manager needs to manage—timelines, budgets, change orders and so on—the most important of all may be stakeholders’ expectations. After all, completion of any project depends on stakeholders doing what they’re expected to do, and the final determination of whether a project is a success or failure is made by...

What to Include in a Project Scope Statement

Of all the documents that get created, reviewed and shared over the life of a project—project plans, timelines, budgets, status reports and issue logs, just to name a few—the project scope statement may be the one that has the greatest influence over the project as a whole. The scope statement describes the goals, deadlines and...

What’s the Risk Analysis Process in Project Management? – Planview AdaptiveWork

Risk management is one of the core project knowledge areas, an essential and ongoing process which can be described as the methodical process of identification, analysis and response to project risks involving several major phases which are similar to all projects. Regardless of the methodology or approach, risk management processes generally include risk identification, analysis,...

5 Ways Technology Has Changed Project Management – Planview AdaptiveWork

As a means of judging a project’s progress and how well the initial project plan is being adhered to, Schedule Variance is one of the most useful and common metrics used. It can give quick insight into how well the project has performed so far and whether it is ahead of schedule or behind it....

What is an End of Project Report? – Planview AdaptiveWork

An end of project report is used by project managers and their team at the end of a project to determine how the project performed. Whether your end of project report is as short as a single page or long enough to fill a three-ring binder, the purpose of the report is the same: Document...

Top Reasons Why Effective Project Communication is Critical – Planview AdaptiveWork

Everyone knows, in theory at least, that effective project communication is essential. Almost any project manager, if asked to list the factors which are important for project success, would put communication near the top of the list. Unfortunately, communication is often taken for granted. Even when project managers put an early emphasis on communication, it...

Top Personality Traits of Highly Effective Project Managers – Planview AdaptiveWork

Every project team takes on at least a little bit of its project manager’s personality. If the PM is disorganized and careless, the team will almost certainly miss deadlines and produce substandard deliverables, even if the same team members have performed well on other projects. In the same way, teams working under a harsh, unfriendly...

7 Characteristics of High-Performance Agile IT Teams – Planview AdaptiveWork/

What separates elite, high-performance agile IT teams in some enterprises, from their hard-working — and in some cases even harder working — yet less successful counterparts in other enterprises? It is not that they borrow a page from the Folger’s Crystals playbook and secretly replace all team members with accomplished Scrum masters. Rather, it is...

7 Best Practices for Overcoming Teams Working in Silos – Planview AdaptiveWork

Across the enterprise work landscape, the idea of completely eliminating the existence of silos is more of an idealistic aspiration than a realistic goal. However, the good news is that there are practical ways to overcome teams working in silos. Here are seven best practices to keep in mind and apply as needed. Generally, a...

6 Things to Cover in Project Kick-off Meetings – Planview AdaptiveWork

Your project kick-off meeting is the best opportunity for project managers to set the right tone for the weeks and months ahead. There are no budgetary or scheduling issues to address (at least for now), and no change orders to create tension or confusion. The project team and other stakeholders are excited to see the...