The Digital Transformation in Banking Case Study Roundup

As the world grows more and more digital, customers across every industry are expecting digital-first, timely assistance and support. As shown in this digital transformation in banking case study roundup, all businesses — including banks — have been forced to change and evolve with the times. Digital transformation isn’t so much optional as it is...

Planview Hub Release 22.3

Planview Hub 22.3, our latest release from our Value Stream Management platform.  is out today, making end-to-end toolchain integration even faster and easier. This quarter, we’re excited to announce two new connectors—Asana and Xray On-Prem—along with some UI and performance improvements that should make your life a little bit easier. Read on to get the...

What Did the Pandemic Teach Us About New Product Development?

In this post, you will find questions and answers from an incredibly timely and informative webinar that provided crucial new product development best practices based on lessons learned from the pandemic. The information collected in these Q&As will act as valuable assets for anyone wanting to make clear the real need for more adaptive product...

Maximizing PMO Value During Economic Uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, PMO value is critical. PMOs don’t just make sure that run-the-business work and projects are completed, they also operationalize the strategic plan. Maximum PMO value ensures the work delivered aligns with company strategy. This helps the organization achieve its desired outcomes and initiatives. When organizations begin feeling the stress of...

Story Points and Flow Metrics: What’s the Difference?

Ron Jeffries, who helped coin the concept of story points back in the 2000s, said recently that he “deplore[s] their misuse.” In the early days of story points, developers “really only used the points to decide how much work to take into an iteration,” says Jeffries. But some organizations expanded their use, using story points...

5 Key Takeaways from TSIA: Interact

As technology solution providers emerge from the unprecedented volatility of the last couple of years, services leaders are asking what are the most important capabilities that they need to master? How should today’s toughest issues be addressed and tackled? What are the industry’s most important business challenges? What ways have customer expectations changed and increased?...

Enrich joins Planview! – Enrich Consulting

When I started Enrich over two decades ago, my dream was to build a company that helped R&D teams manage uncertainty in new product development. Almost 24 years later, dozens of life science and R&D firms worldwide use our SaaS-based strategic portfolio management tools to leverage the collective wisdom of their staff and make confident,...

How to Choose a Value Stream Management Tool

“The reality is that delivering technology-based innovation is hard, for multiple reasons but which might be boiled down into one word: complexity,” says Jon Collins, VP of Research at GigaOm, in his recent 2022 GigaOm Radar for Value Stream Management. Value stream management tools do not eliminate the complexity but they do provide mechanisms to...

Value Stream Management for CIOs: Maturing Technology at the Pace of the Business

The best-performing businesses are customer-obsessed — and it’s paying off. That’s according to research shared by Bobby Cameron, a Vice President and Principal Analyst serving CIOs at Forrester®. Technology is transforming in parallel with a firm’s level of customer obsession because traditional approaches to running IT simply can’t keep up with the rapid pace of...

OKRs Examples for Software Companies

Introduction Objective and Key Results (OKRs) were first implemented by Andy Grove at Intel in the 1970s. John Doerr, who had worked at Intel, brought OKRs to Google in 1999, where they helped fuel massive growth and raise employee morale. Since then, OKRs have become the choice goal-setting method for digital natives and traditional businesses...