Ever wondered what is going on inside the brain of people working at Tasktop? Last week, I had to honor to speak at Skills Matter, Europe’s largest provider of open-source and agile trainings in the London area. It was a great time in London and Skills Matter was kind enough to provide a recorded version of the talk for people who could not attend. As part of their branding, the talk was titled: “In The Brain of Benjamin Muskalla: Mylyn: Closing the Agile ALM loop with task-focused collaboration” so I thought: when you’re able to know what’s going on in my brain, I don’t even need to talk about anything. You’ll expierence some silence up to 5:20 as we forgot to turn on the microphone. As the whole talk is about 1:20h, it’s still worth watching it if you want to find out how to do task-focused collaboration with Mylyn and Tasktop. In addition, there is a quick outlook in the connectors coming up around code review with Gerrit and the Git integration for Mylyn.
You can watch the whole talk at the Skills Matter website.