Gestion de l'innovation

Les perturbations sont partout, mais les organisations innovantes d'aujourd'hui tirent parti du pouvoir de la foule pour se démarquer. Le blog sur la gestion de l'innovation aborde des sujets tels que l'engagement des employés, le crowdsourcing et la manière de faire passer ces concepts de l'idée au marché. Obtenez des informations sur le développement de concepts, la création de défis gagnants et les meilleures pratiques pour faire participer votre public afin de permettre à votre organisation de trouver des idées révolutionnaires auprès des employés, des partenaires et des clients qui connaissent le mieux leur entreprise. Découvrez comment hiérarchiser et suivre toutes les idées dans votre pipeline, de la conception initiale à la livraison -- en nouveaux produits et services, en processus améliorés et en expérience client améliorée. Vous trouverez également des histoires vécues, des recherches sur l'industrie, et bien plus encore.

Rejoignez-nous 8/19 pour notre forum d'innovation de Dallas avec Sprint & Cambia Health

Une grande innovation s'accompagne souvent d'une grande collaboration, et c'est pourquoi nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à notre prochain grand événement d'innovation, qui aura lieu dans une semaine seulement ! Rejoignez Mindjet, ainsi que les co-organisateurs Sprint et Cambia Health Solutions, lors de notre prochain Forum d'innovation le mardi 19 août à l'hôtel ZaZa à...

Le pipeline de l'innovation : L'ultime évolution de la boîte à suggestions d'entreprise

At the heart of any successful innovation process is the ability to capture and execute great ideas. So many organizations believe that ‘innovation’ is an ambiguous, serendipitous thing that’s both unpredictable and unmanageable; coupled with the pressure to continuously destroy boundaries and have breakthroughs, this belief is intimidating and stifling. Fortunately, it’s also unfounded. AT&T’s...

La monnaie de l'innovation : Miser sur la sagesse de la foule

As the banking sector undergoes continual reform, its leaders are bracing themselves for job cuts they suspect will occur over the next three years. Stakeholders will most likely be taking an introspective look at existing challenges, and trying to find new customer propositions that will improve digital banking and reinvent the customer experience. Empowering the...

Mesurer la pratique de l'innovation collaborative : Quelle est votre histoire ?

Last week, a Planview IdeaPlace user sought my view on measurement. He pursues his practice in a global, multi-brand enterprise, and wanted to know how he might measure his practice of collaborative innovation. My perspective? We tell a story by how and what we measure, and we can weave that tale in many different ways. We...

Engager votre organisation de vente dans l'innovation collaborative

As a practice leader at Mindjet, I get to see the many creative, thoughtful ways in which clients apply their practice of collaborative innovation with their stakeholders. Here, I share with you a compelling scenario on which I engaged a client. You may find their approach useful as a way to extend your own practice...

Un article sur l'innovation collaborative pour se salir les mains

Editor’s Note: Last fall, our senior practice leader Doug Collins began a story about the fictional Dirty Maple Flooring Company. How do they embrace the practice of collaborative innovation as a way to solve critical business problems in the Digital Age? The episodesappear bi-weekly on Doug reflects here on how his work with Mindjet clients...

Stimuler les initiatives d'innovation grâce à la technologie mobile

Twenty years ago, businesses seeking to drive innovation initiatives had a limited number of touch points to consider, and few technology options. Back then, the majority of customer interactions involved one of three scenarios: face-to-face in a retail store or corporate office; over the telephone; or, in writing delivered via snail mail. Fast forward to...

Innovation ouverte : Inspirer la collaboration à l'ONU

Early last year, our partners at UNHCR told me about their new venture to employ the Planview IdeaPlace online platform. Invited to carry out a review of the pilot-run for the platform, I was excited to learn more about how they were trying to use an Conducting Research and Making Connections Collaboration, partnerships, and engaging...

Two Ingredients for Pursuing Externally Focused Innovation

Organizations increasingly seek new forms of innovation—and, for themselves, transformation—by engaging in co-creation with the suppliers, clients, and consumers that comprise their value streams. What insights might be gained from organizations that have begun to realize their potential for leadership by embracing openness as a core element of their charter? In this article innovation architect...