[Jaws theme song] Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun… In the 1975 Stephen Spielberg film Jaws, actor Roy Schneider (aka Brody) famously states “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” This is also a great analogy from Jerry Manas’ latest book The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook and one that IT PMOs can relate to when it comes to the amount of resources they have in relation to the work that needs to get done. Watch the Jaws clip on YouTube for a quick bit of nostalgia.
Si les gens sont le carburant qui fait avancer votre organisation (le bateau), alors la demande est ce qui brûle leur temps (le requin). Si elle n'est pas gérée avec soin, la demande peut surcharger la capacité et diminuer la productivité - qu'il s'agisse d'une initiative stratégique majeure ou d'un projet visant à améliorer les processus, les produits ou le service.
So how do you maximize resources to drive business growth and sustainability? Using a toolbox of approaches, you can more easily focus people on work that matters and minimize the impact of demand.
Je vous invite à télécharger et à lire le premier chapitre de The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook de Jerry Manas, auteur de best-sellers et leader d'opinion reconnu dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources et des projets organisationnels.
The first chapter includes:
- Tools for overcoming common barriers
- How to make decisions on time capture, resource assignments, and competing priorities
- Meilleures pratiques en matière d'appropriation des fonctions de gestion des ressources et de planification des capacités
- How to address the human side of resource management and capacity planning
- How other companies are using the book’s methods to achieve great success
No matter how large or small your organization, proven methods can help you make the best use of your limited resources.
If you liked this first chapter, you’ll love Jerry’s book. You can get a copy of the book on Amazon.
What do you think of the first chapter? Can you relate to the “We’re gonna need a bigger boat” analogy? Share by leaving a comment below.