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La conférence annuelle des clients de Planview élargira les horizons cette semaine

Publié le By Scott Hardey
La conférence annuelle des clients de Planview élargira les horizons cette semaine

Today we are excited to welcome hundreds of the world’s best customers to Austin for Planview’s 19th annual Horizons customer conference! Customers are converging on the capitol of Texas for three days of networking, education and idea sharing.  We are always impressed with the enthusiasm and pro-tips provided by our innovative customers and we can’t wait to see what’s in store this year.


Planview will also be sharing. Horizons is the single best opportunity to gain unfettered one-on-one access to Planview experts and leaders who are all willing to share their knowledge and expertise with attendees.Planview Horizons

In the months leading up to this event, the Horizons team has spent countless hours planning the best possible experience for all attendees. And we are so appreciative of the customers who have spent their precious time planning impactful presentations to share with their peers.  You are all in store for an amazing three days that will include:

  • 2 Inspiring Keynote Speakers
  • 5 Conference Tracks
  • 20+ Customer and Industry Speakers
  • 27 Planview Product and Roadmap Sessions across 4 great product lines, and
  • 35+ Meet the Expert Sessions

We are also pleased to welcome Art Markman, professor of psychology and marketing at the University of Texas, for a thought-provoking keynote on behavior change and influence. He will discuss the two key brain circuits that make up the human motivational system and five tools people can use immediately to change for the better. Markman is also co-host of the NPR show/podcast, “Two Guys on Your Head.” His next book, “Brain Briefs,” (co-authored with his Two Guys co-host Bob Duke) will be published next month.

Once again, we will be joined by our conference catalyst, Thom Singer, who will help start and guide many of compelling conversations during the conference.

Here’s a peek at the customer sessions this year:

  • “Fly Higher with Investment and Capacity Planning,” American Airlines
  • “Get Board Level Attention on IT Sustainability,” Freddie Mac
  • “Product Development Process Transformation,” Flowserve
  • “Journey to a Services Organization,” Cisco
  • “Balancing Collaboration and Governance,” Mentor Graphics

Horizons is attended by customers in roles spanning from executives, enterprise architects, heads of PMO, project managers, and administrators. Our goal is to help them get the most out of their resources and achieve goals in their organizations using Planview Enterprise, Troux, Projectplace, and Innotas.  Customers will also get a preview of Planview’s product roadmap for new features and enhancements in 2016-2017.  It’s going to be a great event!

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Rédaction du contenu Scott Hardey EVP, Renouvellement des clients

Scott Hardey est Vice-président exécutif en charge du service client de Planview, une équipe récompensée pour ses services de déploiement, d'assistance, de conseil et de formation des clients et partenaires de Planview. Sous son leadership, Planview a acquis une solide réputation dans ces domaines, qui lui vaut d'être aujourd'hui considérée comme une des entreprises du secteur portant la plus grande attention au client et offrant la plus grande réactivité.